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热泵技术是近年来在全世界备受关注的新能源技术。随着水源热泵技术的日趋成熟和发展,低温能源日益受到人们的重视。炼油污水温度常年稳定在30~40℃,污水中蕴藏着大量的热能,是可回收和利用的清洁能源。系统阐述了某炼油污水处理车间的炼油污水热能回收项目,采用热泵技术,通过能量传递,将炼油污水回用水中的废热转换为供暖系统中的热源,代替蒸汽供暖。包括热负荷参数的核算、热能回收工艺的设计及供暖系统的改造设计等内容。项目实施后,取得了良好的经济效益和环境效益,该车间及其两个外供单位的冬季供暖全部由污水源热泵系统提供,车间实际供暖效果良好,供暖期室内实际温度可达18~23℃,节约蒸汽3656t。扣除热泵机组的电能增加因素,每年可节约运营费用49.11万元。本项目的成功实施,为炼油污水废热能源的回收利用提供了新途径,具有节能减排示范作用和较高的推广价值。 Heat pump technology is a new energy technology that has attracted worldwide attention in recent years. With the water source heat pump technology matures and development, low-temperature energy is increasingly valued by people. Refining oil temperature perennial stability at 30 ~ 40 ℃, sewage contains a lot of heat, is a clean energy recovery and utilization. The project describes the heat recovery project of refinery wastewater from a refinery wastewater treatment plant. Heat pump technology is used to convert the waste heat from the reused wastewater into the heat source in the heating system instead of steam. Including the calculation of thermal load parameters, the design of heat recovery process and the design of heating system reform and so on. After the implementation of the project, good economic and environmental benefits have been achieved. The winter heating of the workshop and its two external suppliers is provided by the sewage water source heat pump system. The actual heating effect of the workshop is good. The actual temperature in the heating period can reach 18-23 ℃, save steam 3656t. Excluding the heat pump unit increases the power factor, the annual operating expenses can be saved 491,100 yuan. The successful implementation of this project provides a new way for the recovery and utilization of oil and gas waste heat and waste heat energy, and has the demonstration effect of energy conservation and emission reduction and high promotion value.
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are among the most extensively used engineered nanomaterials because of their wellestablished antimicrobial and unique physicochemi
一、我国农产品出口遭遇国外技术壁垒的现状目前,技术性贸易壁垒已经成为发达国家实行农业保护最主要、最有效的手段(见表1),据《中国技术性贸易措施年度报告 I. Current Si
色彩领域的工业标准是CIE1931“标准观察者”XYZ三刺激模型.TCS3430数字化的输出结果是XYZ三刺激的比例输出,与CIE1931XYZ三刺激模型相一致,因此小型化的TC S3430可以用于显