【摘 要】
Dear editor,rnRecently,singular linear systems have attracted the attention of many researchers.Singular lin-ear systems are known to be more general than ordin
【机 构】
College of Engineering,Bohai University,Jinzhou 121013,China;College of Information Science and Engi
Dear editor,rnRecently,singular linear systems have attracted the attention of many researchers.Singular lin-ear systems are known to be more general than ordinary linear systems.The output regulation problem was considered for singular heterogeneous multi-agent systems[1].Consider a simple singu-lar linear system given by Ex = Ax.If all pa-rameters si locate in the negative half-plane of the complex numbers,i.e.,the determinant of sE-A is zero,then the system is asymptotically stable.Moreover,there may exist an impulse response in the system that can disrupt the stability so the pairs(E,A)should be chosen carefully to ensure that the system is regular and impulse-free.
Dear editor,rnAs a significant topic in control and signal processing communities, the filtering problem has been attracting persistent research attention in th
美国联邦通信委员会日前认可了电信工业建立商业性近地轨道通信卫星网络的设想,将在三个月内发放许可证。 近地轨道通信卫星将在距地面大约780公里的轨道上绕地球飞行,而轨
We study physical layer secure transmission with limited feedback in heterogeneous cellular net-works.A transmission protocol is designed to obtain more secure
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人类的眼睛、鼻子和耳朵是同时出现还是起源于多次进化事件?这个困惑了科学界一个半世纪的问题,在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所关于海口虫的最新研究中找到了答案。 海口