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去年,有幸游了一次黄山,饱览了祖国的大好山河。特别是因为我熟悉了徐霞客再次游黄山的足迹。将他当时游览的方向、路线,所观赏的景物特色,都处处留了心,所以后来讲解《游黄山记》一课时,我能准确地边画边讲,竟使学生有如临其境的感觉,取得了较好的教学效果。这件事使我们认识到:教师眼界开阔,对提高教学质量是很有利的。首先,因为我亲自观赏过这被誉为“天下第一山”的大自然杰作,教学时那种喜爱黄山之情就自然溢于言表,语言就显得更有感染力。我想,一个人如果没见过大海。就很难讲出大海的气势,更无法讲自己如何迷恋大海;没有攀登过险峰,若讲有关历险的胆量和毅力,语言势必贫乏枯涩,苍白无力。其次,讲自己熟悉的东西,心里就比较有底,可以讲得实在,讲得具体,讲得生动。没有去过梅雨潭,对《绿》里所说的方位,充其量只能说个大概如此,效果自然要差。《游黄山记》中“一路奇景,不觉引余独往”一句,“一路奇景”是简笔,只有亲自看过那里的蓬莱三岛,一线天等引人入胜的实景,才会体会景色的魅力在哪里,“奇”在何处。只有亲到文殊院前“四顾”一番,才可以讲清“奇峰错列,众壑纵横”中的“错列”、“纵横”的实际含义是什么,而不致仅仅按词典上的意思一般地解释一下即罢。 Last year, I had the good fortune to visit Huangshan once and enjoy the great mountains and rivers of the motherland. Especially because I am familiar with Xu Xiake’s visit to Huangshan again. The directions and routes he visited at that time and the characteristics of the scenery he watched were all left behind. So after explaining the lesson of “Yue Huangshan Ji”, I could accurately draw while teaching, so that the students could feel like they were in the same environment. Achieve better teaching results. This incident has made us realize that the openness of teachers’ eyes is very beneficial to the improvement of teaching quality. First of all, because I personally watched this masterpiece of nature known as “the first mountain of the world”, the kind of love of the Huangshan Mountain in the course of teaching naturally spills over into words, and the language becomes more contagious. I think if someone hasn’t seen the sea. It is difficult to speak of the imposing manner of the sea, and it is even more difficult to say how you are obsessed with the sea; if you have not climbed a dangerous peak, if you speak about the courage and perseverance of adventure, the language will be impoverished and pale and powerless. Secondly, when we talk about what we are familiar with, we have a bottom in our heart. We can speak it concretely, speak concretely, and speak vividly. I haven’t been to Meiyu Lake, and the position mentioned in the “Green” can only be said to be the case. The effect is naturally worse. In the book “The Tour of Huangshan Mountain”, “A Wonderful Scene All the Way, I’m Feeling Lucky and I’m Feeling Alone” is a sticky note. Only the Penglai Isles who have seen the Penglai Three Islands and the first-line heavenly scene will experience the scenery. Where’s the charm, where is “odd”. Only by visiting the Wenshu Monastery in front of the “round-hearted” can we clarify what the “misaligned” and “horizontal” meanings in “Extremely out of the balance, and arrogant in the public view” will be, and it will not be just the dictionary meaning. Explain to stop.
推理就是从一个或几个已知的判断推出一个新判断的思维过程。推理是由前提和结论组成的。推理时所根据的已知判断是前提,从前提通过 Reasoning is the process of thinking
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