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天然气下游市场的竞争一向激烈,即使是如中石油这样的带头大哥,也不见得能从中分得一块大蛋糕。也正是如此纷杂市场条件,给了民营企业更大的市场空间。谁抓住了中国城市燃气市场起步发展的绝好机遇,谁就有可能站稳脚跟,甚至拔得头筹。1992年开始从事城市管道燃气业务的新奥能源(原新奥燃气),从北京东南方向的河北廊坊起家,现已成为国内规模最大的清洁能源分销商之一。新奥的舵手王玉锁的目标是,让新奥成为天然气全产业链的民企霸主。 The competition in the natural gas downstream market has been fierce. Even a big brother like PetroChina can not get a big cake from it. It is also such a complex market conditions, giving private enterprises greater market space. Who seize the excellent opportunities for the initial development of China’s urban gas market, who may stand firm, or even come out on top. Since its founding in 1992, SINO-ENERGY (formerly New Austrian Gas), a city-run gas business, started from Langfang in southeastern Beijing and has become one of the largest clean energy distributors in China. New Austrian helmsman Wang Yusuo’s goal is to make the new Austrian become the natural gas industry chain overlord.
城市的发展是社会经济发展的结果。二十世纪末,全世界已有 1/2的人口居住在城市,城市作为区域经济、政治、文化中心的地位日益突出。但是城市的发展同时也带来了一系列严重的城市
【正】 中科院科技翻译工作者协会上海分会1988年7月16日在上海分院专家招待所成立。会上首先由上海分院外事办公室副主任刘泽蔚介绍了分会筹备经过。经过会员和代表们充分酝