
来源 :中兽医医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lincon
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1临床症状 患牛呼吸、脉搏加快,头颈肌肉震颤,对声音及触摸很敏感,瞳孔散大,眼球震颤,步态蹒跚,共济失调,狂躁,瘤胃蠕动无力,食欲废绝、虚嚼,口吐白沫,厌食磨牙,腹泻,粪便少而臭。
青海是我国硒缺乏地区,西宁市土壤含硒量仅为0.024~0.031 mg/kg,谷物和牧草含硒量均低于0.05 mg/kg.我院就诊的12例病牛,在没有关节扭伤或蹄部钉伤病史的情况下,突然发病,球节
The rupture of gastric varices results in variceal hemorrhage, which is one the most lethal complications of cirrhosis. Endoscopic therapies for varices aim to
Hookworm infection is a relatively common cause of anemia in endemic areas.However,it is rarely encountered in Europe.In this report we describe the case of a 2
随着城市生活水平的不断提高 ,城市垃圾不断产生。据统计 ,我国自 2 0世纪 70年代以来 ,城市垃圾年产 1 .2× l0 8t,是同期世界垃圾总量的 2 5 % ,卫生填埋、高温堆肥、
Endoscopic ultrasound allows transmural access to the bile or pancreatic ducts and subsequent contrast injection to provide ductal drainage under fluoroscopy us
AIM:To investigate the feasibility and safety of the treatment of an upper gastrointestinal(GI) submucosal tumor with endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD).METH