减员增效 下岗分流——准煤公司总经理李东谈深化企业内部改革方略

来源 :煤炭经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:madfox1108
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编者按: 准煤项目的开发建设正好是在我国改革开放, 由计划经济向市场经济转变的历史时期进行的。变革时期政策的交织变化、多种因素的综合作用, 给准煤公司的设计、基建、体制、观念打上了深刻的烙印。它既有很多老煤炭企业所没有的优势, 诸如矿、路、电一体化先进的产业结构, 国外引进的现代化技术装备等, 亦有市场经济观念、效益观念淡薄落后的一面。朱镕基总理1993 年视察准煤公司时一针见血指出: “你们是现代化的技术加人海战术, 若不把人减下来, 必然是投产就面临亏损”。现在这一问题已经以铁的事实摆在了准煤公司新的领导班子面前。就是说准煤公司在基建转入生产后, 如何在目前煤炭、电力市场都处于低谷时期, 在既激烈又无序的市场竞争中, 保证企业能够生存并能蓬勃发展? 准煤公司的决策层痛定思痛, 开始了大刀阔斧的改革。 Editor’s note: The development and construction of a quasi-coal project is exactly in the historical period when China’s reform and opening up was transformed from a planned economy to a market economy. The intertwined changes in policies during the reform period and the combined effects of various factors have imprinted a deep imprint on the design, infrastructure, systems, and concepts of the quasi-coal companies. It has many advantages that old coal companies do not have, such as the advanced industrial structure of mines, roads, and electricity integration, modern technology equipment imported from abroad, etc. It also has the weak side of market economy concepts and benefits. When Premier Zhu Rongji inspected the quasi-coal company in 1993, he pointed out: “You are a modern technology and a seaman tactic. If you don’t reduce people, you must face losses when you start production.” This problem has now been placed in front of the new leadership team of the quasi-coal company. That is to say, after the transfer of infrastructure to production, the quasi-coal company will be in a low period in the current coal and electricity markets. In a fierce and disorderly market competition, the company will be able to survive and thrive. The decision-making level of the quasi-coal company made painstaking efforts and began a drastic reform.
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