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随着人们对森林作用认识的逐步加深,森林经营管理水平不断提高,森林资源管理工作已开始被重视,认识到必须在资源清查的基础上建立森林档案,通过档案管理来掌握资源的消长变化情况,改变过去那种调查后资源“一年清,二年变,三年乱”,继而家底不清,心中无数,森林经营的被动局面。森林档案是在二类调查材料基础上建立,所以对二类调查提出了新的要求。根据汪清林业局多年来在档案实际管理中体会到过去二类调查中存在以下三个主要问题,给档案管理等带来一定的困难。 With the gradual deepening of people’s understanding of the role of the forest, the management level of the forest is constantly improving and the management of forest resources has begun to be taken seriously. It is recognized that the forest archives must be established on the basis of resource inventory, and the changes of the growth and decline of resources should be grasped through archives management , To change the kind of resources in the past, “one year clear, two years change, three years of chaos,” followed by unclear family, countless hearts, the passive situation of forest management. The forest archives were established on the basis of the second type of investigation materials, so new requirements for the second type investigation were put forward. According to Wang Qing Forestry Bureau over the years in the actual management of the file to understand the past two types of surveys in the following three major problems, to file management and so bring some difficulties.
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大家都知道睡眠不足影响学习,那你知道,孩子的行为表现也跟睡眠有关哦!Is sleep important for children?A new study says yes.A new study published this week in the jou
一、多项选择  1. One of the first habits to be established in children is the_________ that develops around bedtime and sleeping.  A. assessment B. routine  C. relationship D. affection  2. Although we grew