以水为主 全面发展——湖北省漳河工程管理局改革纪实

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湖北省漳河工程管理局负责管理漳河水库枢纽工程及其灌渠工程。水库位于宜昌、荆门、襄樊3市交界处,于1958年动工兴建,1966年建成并全面发挥效益。水库总库容20.35亿m~3,设计灌溉面积17万hm~2,是一座以防洪灌溉为主,综合兴利的大型水库。 建库40多年来,漳河水库发挥了巨大的社会效益:累计拦截1000m~3/s以上的洪峰31次,为下游荆江大堤、荆州古城、焦柳铁路以及两河流域3万多hm~2农田和30万人民提供了防洪安全保障,防洪减灾效益达64亿元;为灌区提供农业用水150多亿m~3,灌区粮食年产量由灌前的3.5亿kg增长到目前的14亿kg,使之成 Zhanghe Project Management Bureau of Hubei Province is responsible for the management of Zhanghe Reservoir Dam Project and its irrigation canal project. The reservoir is located at the junction of Yichang, Jingmen and Xiangfan City, and started construction in 1958, completed in 1966 and fully exerted benefits. The total reservoir capacity of 2.035 billion m ~ 3, design irrigation area of ​​170,000 hm ~ 2, is a flood control irrigation, comprehensive development of large reservoirs. For more than 40 years, Zhanghe Reservoir has exerted tremendous social benefits: it has accumulated 31 floods of over 1000m ~ 3 / s for the downstream of the Jingjiang Levee, the ancient city of Jingzhou, the Jiao-Liu Railway and the more than 30,000 hm ~ 2 Farmland and 30 million people provided flood protection and safety protection, flood control and disaster reduction benefits reached 64 billion yuan; for the irrigation area to provide agricultural water more than 150 billion m 3, the annual grain output in irrigated areas increased from irrigation 350 million kg to the current 1.4 billion kg, Make it into
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