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改灶是推广省柴灶的一项节资、省工、收效大的有力措施。改一个灶一般只需1至5元材料费,用工2至4小时,就可使其热效率提高一倍左右,要使老式灶成为省柴灶,改灶时必须因灶而异,因地制宜。现介绍三种不同类型的改灶技术: 一种是有烟囱的前拉风老式灶这种灶在我地区颇多。其优点是灶门不冒烟,解决了老式灶烧火满屋烟的问题,但这种灶最大的缺点是热效率低于其它老式灶。这种灶改造措施有两点:(1) 在灶膛内加设炉桥、回烟道和拦火墙,使之符合省柴灶的标准;(2)改变灶门顶下部的出烟口,并缩小烟口面积,这样就大大提高了热效能。如沅江县万子湖乡管竹山村朱建章家有上述灶一口,只用了水泥10斤,加用红砖24块,就将原来的老灶改好了。改灶前后测试,同是烧开水20斤,耗芦苇渣由改灶前的8斤减至改后的3 To change the stove is to promote a province saving stoves, saving, effective large powerful measures. Change a stove generally only 1 to 5 yuan material fee, labor 2 to 4 hours, you can double its thermal efficiency, to make the old stove to become a provincial firewood, stove change must be due to different stoves, according to local conditions. Now introduce three different types of technology to change the stove: one is the former style of the stove with a chimney stove this stove in my area a lot. The advantage is that the stove does not smoke, solve the problem of burning stove full house smoke, but the biggest drawback of this stove is thermal efficiency lower than other old stoves. This stove reform measures have two points: (1) in the hearth to add a furnace bridge, back flue and fire wall, so that it meets the standards of firewood stove; (2) Narrow the mouth area, thus greatly improving the thermal efficiency. Such as Wanjiang Lake Township, Wanjiang Lake Township, bamboo Zhu Jianzhang home has a cook, only 10 pounds of cement, plus red brick 24, the old stove will be better. Before and after the test to change the stove, the same boil water 20 pounds, consumption of reed residue by the stove before the reduction of 8 pounds to 3 after the change
对各子系统在楼盘中的应用现状进行分析,力求准确地把握业主的需求,为智能化社区的建设提供依据。 The status quo of the application of various subsystems in real esta