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2012年最后一个季度,可谓多事之秋。虽然10月初的小长假,让股市暂时停止了喧嚣,但随后上市公司的三季报,联手创业板的解禁潮,却再次掀起了市场的波澜。十月先扬后抑的A股走势,险些让2000点不破不立的预期中途天折,亦继续为年末行情遮盖着神秘的面纱。进入四季度,人民币升值步伐明显提速,人们对股指已形成双底,或是头肩底的说法开始不绝于耳,但随着三季报业绩“地雷”的不断出现,以及创业板解禁开闸时刻的日趋临近,这种前有狼后有虎的两难格局, The last quarter of 2012 can be described as a multi-pronged event. Although the small holiday in early October, the stock market temporarily stopped the bustle, but then the three quarterly listed companies, teamed up GEM wave, but once again set off a wave of the market. In October, the trend of A-share stocks after the start of Jan-Jan’s move nearly halted the forecast of 2000 points and kept covering the mysterious veil for the year-end market. Enter the fourth quarter, the pace of RMB appreciation significantly accelerated, people have formed a double bottom of the stock index, or head and shoulders end of the story began, but with the results of the third quarter “mines ” continue to emerge, and the GEM lifting of the gate opening time Is approaching, this dilemma before the wolf after the tiger,
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《特务》是英国著名小说家约瑟夫·康拉德的一部政治小说。小说以真实事件格林威治天文台的爆炸案为素材,充分地展现了当时的动荡社会以及政治事件对居民生活的破坏。 国内