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丰子恺(1898-1975),出生于浙江桐乡,十六岁就读于杭州浙江省立第一师范学校时,深受李叔同喜爱,遂鼓励其向美术方面发展。就这样丰子恺在李叔同的引导下迈出了追求艺术道路的第一步,开启了艺术之门,后曾游学于日本。一九二二年开始漫画创作。一九二五年出版了第一本漫画集《子恺 Feng Zikai (1898-1975) was born in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province. At the age of sixteen, he was greatly loved by Li Shitong when he was 16 and was studying in Zhejiang Provincial First Normal School in Hangzhou. He encouraged his development toward fine arts. So Feng Zikai Li Shitong under the guidance of the direction of the pursuit of art has taken the first step, opened the door to art, had studied in Japan. Comic creation started in 1922 In 1925 published the first comic book "sub-Kai
Mercury(Hg)ranks number three,after arsenic(As)and lead(Pb),on the Substance Priority List of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(ATSDR,2019).M
“曹斐的作品,从流行文化中吸取意象并使其达到奇特而睿智的风格,从而以视觉的形式呈现出当代中国城市中年轻人的情绪和社会境遇。”  ——2006年中国当代艺术奖(CCAA)“最年轻艺术家奖”评语    曹斐在艺术上早熟。16岁自编舞台剧。1999年,正在广州美术学院就读的她拍了第一部短片《失调257》,受到关注。同年,开始参加国外的艺术展。2000年,影像作品《链》参加艾未未在上海组织的一次艺术展时,
The global decline of freshwater biodiversity caused by climate change and human activities are supposed to disrupt ecosystem services related to water quality