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一个曾经的行业巨人,一个曾经盛极一时却轰然倾塌的民营企业。一个自信、自负的人,带领企业创造了多个业内第一、创造辉煌却悄然离去。一个自省、创新的人,三年闭门修炼,一朝浴火重生……当这种种的反差集中在一个人身上时,我们看到了一个名字——吴福禄—— A former industrial giant, a private enterprise that once flourished but fell through collapse. A confident, self-confident person, led the business to create a number of industry first, to create brilliant but quietly leave. A self-examination, innovative people, three years of closed-door practice, once the bath and fire rebirth ... ... When this kind of contrast focused on one person, we saw a name - Wu Fulu -
A father was at the beach with his children when the tour-year-old son Fan up to him, grabbed hishand, and led him to a place on the shore where a seagull lay
1. Excuses —Will you take me to task for failing to do a thing, sir? —Of course not. —Ok, I'd like to fail to do my homework.
True story... There was a woman who spent some months serving God in South Africa. On her final visit to a re-mote township she attended a medical clinic. As t
仿佛一叶小舟  在大海里搏击、漂流  我已经很累很累  更有多少创伤和烦忧  此刻,站在路口  站在茫茫的夜色里  我多么渴望,渴望  擁有一份温柔  我渴望有体贴的胸怀  让我靠上沉重的头  渴望有温软的手  抚慰我受伤的心  更渴望有一对忽闪着爱  ——蕴含着期盼的眼眸  迎我归,送我走  直到天长地久  (编辑 思智)
出租车的标志 TAXI 这个众所周知的词源于一段有趣的故事。本世纪初,有个名叫阿伦(Allen)的美国纽约青年偕女友雇一辆马车去百老汇看戏,车夫见阿伦穿戴不俗,举止文雅,便存心
返照斜初彻,  浮云薄未归。  江虹明远饮,  峡雨落馀飞。  凫雁终高去,  熊罴觉自肥。  秋分客尚在,  竹露夕微微。
A woman was worried whether or not her dead husband made it to heaven, so she prays earnstly for Godto allow him to speak to her, “Hello Margaret, this is Fre