
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:softmysoft
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Background and Purpose -To test the hypothesis that the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score is associated with the findings of arteriography performed within the first hours after ischemic stroke. Methods -We analyzed NIHSS scores on hospital admission and clinical and arteriographic findings of 226 consecutive patients (94 women, 132 men; mean age 62±12 years) who underwent arteriography within 6 hours of symptom onset in carotid stroke and within 12 hours in vertebrobasilar stroke. Results -From stroke onset to hospital admissi on, 155±97 minutes elapsed, and from stroke onset to arteriography 245±100 min utes elapsed. Median NIHSS was 14 (range 3 to 38), and scores differed depending on the arteriographie findings (P < 0.001). NIHSS scores in basilar, internal c arotid, and middle cerebral artery M1 and M2 segment occlusions (central occlusi ons) were higher than in more peripherally located, nonvisible, or absent occlus ions. Patients with NIHSS scores ≥10 had positive predictive values (PPVs) to s how arterial occlusions in 97%of carotid and 96%of vertebrobasilar strokes. Wi th an NIHSS score of ≥12, PPV to find a central occlusion was 91%. In a multiv ariate analysis, NIHSS subitems such as “level of consciousness questions,”“g aze,”“motor leg,”and “neglect”were predictors of central occlusions. Conclu sions -There is a significant association of NIHSS scores and the presence and location of a vessel occlusion. With an NIHSS score ≥10, a vessel occlusion wil l likely be seen on arteriography, and with a score ≥12, its location will prob ably be central. Background and Purpose -To test the hypothesis that the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score is associated with the findings of arteriography performed within the first hours after ischemic stroke. Methods -We analyzed NIHSS scores on hospital admission and clinical and arteriographic findings of-226 consecutive patients (94 women, 132 men; mean age 62 ± 12 years) who underwent arteriography within 6 hours of symptom onset in carotid stroke and within 12 hours in vertebrobasilar stroke. Results-Flow stroke onset to hospital admissi on, 155 ± 97 min elapsed, and from stroke onset to arteriography 245 ± 100 min utes elapsed. Median NIHSS was 14 (range 3 to 38), and scores differed depending on the arteriographie findings (P <0.001). NIHSS scores in basilar, internal c arotid , and middle cerebral artery M1 and M2 segment occlusions (central occlusi ons) were higher than in more peripherally located, nonvisible, or absent occlusions. Patients with NIHSS scores ≥10 had positive predictive values ​​(PPVs) to s how arterial occlusions in 97% of carotid and 96% of vertebrobasilar strokes. Wi th an NIHSS score of> 12, PPV to find a central occlusion was 91%. In a multivariate analysis, NIHSS subitems such as “level of consciousness questions,” “g aze,” “motor leg,” and “neglect” were predictors of central occlusions. Conclu sions -There is a significant association of NIHSS scores and the presence and location of a vessel occlusion With an NIHSS score ≥10, a vessel occlusion wil l likely be seen on arteriography, and with a score ≥12, its location will prob ably be central.
近年研究认为 :在 α病毒所致脑脊髓炎病程中 ,CD4 和 CD8T共同参与病毒的清除 ,且 T细胞利用 IFN- γ而不是TNF-α来清除病毒 ,仅对脊髓和脑干区域病毒感染的神经元有作用 ,
198 6~ 2 0 0 1年 ,我院收治肺结核并发自发性气胸 4 2例 ,经治疗后随访 1年以上 ,现将诊治情况进行分析。1 临床资料1 1 一般情况  4 2例中 ,男 31例 ,女 11例 ;年龄 16~ 6
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