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山西省万荣县豆芽研究所研成塑料袋速育无根豆芽新技术,具有简单快速、优质高产、本小利大等优点。性能不仅优于豆芽机,还解决了缸盆瓦罐老式生豆芽容器小、产量低、周期长、易腐烂、保温消毒难的弊病,是一条致富快的可靠新途径。新法以日下10公斤豆子的生产规模算,其设施投资只需30元,巧妙利用塑料袋的保温作用,冬季室内不需生火提温,且塑料袋无渗透性,清洗消毒彻底,从而避免了豆芽病害发生。因此,大大降低了生产 Wanrong County, Shanxi Province Institute of bean sprouts research fast-growing plastic bags new technology without root sprouts, with simple and fast, high-quality and high yield, the advantages of small profits. The performance is not only better than the bean sprouts machine, but also solves the shortcoming of the old sprouts container with low yield, long cycle, perishable and heat preservation and disinfection, which is a reliable new way to get rich fast. The new law to 10 kilograms of beans under the scale of production, the investment of only 30 yuan for its facilities, clever use of plastic bags of insulation, indoor winter do not need to heat up, and plastic bags without permeability, cleaning and disinfection thoroughly, thus avoiding the Bean sprouts disease occurs. Therefore, greatly reduced production
他披挂过国内数家有影响的球队的战袍,参加一系列重要赛事,在国家队他是无可争议的后防中坚和顶尖高手,中国足协官员乃至足坛圈内人士无不认可。 He beats several domestic
射频消融(radio frequency ablation,RFA)已成为原发性肝癌综合治疗中的重要手段之一。掌握RFA的机制、方法、途径、适应证、禁忌证、并发症等基本理论,能够使RFA技术更好地
[摘要]随着医院卫生改革不断深化,医院发展的不断提高,管理者对医院档案的管理也提高了认识,档案对医院的发展越来越重要。但是档案从产生到存档,都是有档案管理人员进行的,新形势下医院档案管理人员的情况如何,适应未来发展需要什么样的素质和能力?  [关键词]新形势 档案管理人员 现状 发展趋势    20世纪科学技术的进步改变了人类的工作方式,人们对医疗、卫生信息、电子技术及计算机科学的不断需求,不仅对