Microstructures and Tensile Properties of Isothermally-forgedTi-47Al-2Nb-1Cr-1V and Ti-47Al-2V-1Cr A

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:appleandtzf
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Microstructures and room-temperature tensile properties of isothermally-forged γ-base (γ + α2)alloys in Ti-Al-Nb-Cr-V system with different heat treatments were investigated. The results show that the microstructures of Ti-47Al-2Nb-1Cr-1V and Ti-47Al-2V-1Cr (at. pct) alloys are mainly determined by heat treating temperature in the (cr + 7) tWo-phase field, and the joint additions of Nb, Cr and V in the Ti-47Al alloy afFect Ta significantIy. The microstructure of Ti-47Al alloy with additions of Nb, Cr and V (1~2 at. pct) can be dupIex or nearly-lamellar by a suitable heat treatment after isothermal forging at 1000℃ for over 50% plastic strains.Therefore its tensile properties can be improved at room temperature. Microstructures and room-temperature tensile properties of isothermally-forged γ-base (γ + α2) alloys in Ti-Al-Nb-Cr-V system with different heat treatments were. The results show that the microstructures of Ti-47Al-2Nb 1Cr-1V and Ti-47Al-2V-1Cr (at. Pct) alloys are mainly determined by heat treating temperature in the (cr + 7) tWo-phase field, and the joint additions of Nb, Cr and V in the Ti -47Al alloy afFect Ta significant Iy. The microstructure of Ti-47Al alloy with additions of Nb, Cr and V (1 ~ 2 at. Pct) can be dupIx or nearly-lamellar by a suitable heat treatment after isothermal forging at 1000 ° C for over 50% plastic. Tensile its tensile properties can be improved at room temperature.
尽管全球股市出现混乱,但去年世界上最富有的人拥有的总财富上升了6%,达到27万亿美元。 百万富翁增加了3%,即18.4万人,达到了720万人。 资本市场的低迷创造出更多的“一分钟百万富翁”,在高科技
市场经济创造了许多1+1>2的“神话”。这奇怪的逻辑似乎是天方夜谭,但事实的确让人感悟了1+1>2的道理。 The market economy has created many “myths” of 1 + 1> 2. This
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