2000年,经济学家吴敬琏先生先是通过媒体提醒股市,炒作网络泡沫不利于网络经济的发展;接着又主动做客“经济半小时”,拨云见日般地揭开了中国股市的“基金黑幕”。在人们的心目中,吴敬琏先生的一举一动,都会在中国的经济界和股市引起一阵波动。 1月13日,刚刚获得“2000年度经济风云人物”称号的吴敬琏做客中央电视台《对话》节目演播室,与现场众多的博士研究生以及热心观众就中国经济现状做了沟通与交流。
In 2000, Mr. Wu Jinglian, an economist, first reminded the stock market through the media that speculation in the Internet bubble was not conducive to the development of the Internet economy; he then took the initiative to “economy half an hour,” turning a blind eye to the “shady fund of the Chinese stock market.” In people’s minds, every move of Mr. Wu Jinglian will cause a wave of volatility in China’s economy and stock markets. On January 13, Wu Jinglian, who just won the title of “Economic Man of the Year 2000”, was invited to make a talk at the CCTV “Dialogue” program studio. Many of his PhD students and enthusiastic audiences communicated and exchanged views on the current economic situation in China.