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背景及目的:使用镇静剂有可能增加小儿肠套叠非手术治疗的成功率。因此本研究旨在研究咪达唑仑对于小儿空气灌肠复位术复位时间的影响。材料与方法:按照双盲法,将32例经B超诊断为回结肠套叠患儿随机分为2组。实验组在取得患儿父母知情同意后,于复位前5min,静推咪达唑仑0.1mg/kg,最大不超3mg,之后行透视引导下空灌复位。而对照组,直接行空灌复位。后对两者疗效进行对比。结果:实验组16例患儿静推咪达唑仑,其中15例患儿经空灌肠复位成功;而对照组16例患儿,有11例复位成功。(P=0.07)。而实验组与对照组平均复位时间分别为34.8±11.35min和32.7±19.2min(P=0.733)。结论:利用咪达唑仑的镇静及肌松特性,可作为小儿空气灌肠复位前用药来增加复位成功率。 BACKGROUND & AIM: The use of sedatives may increase the success rate of pediatric intussusception non-surgical treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of midazolam on the reduction of air enema reduction in pediatric patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: According to the double-blind method, 32 children diagnosed with intussusception by B-ultrasound were randomly divided into two groups. Experimental group with the informed consent of parents with their children, 5min before the reduction, midazolam static push 0.1mg / kg, the maximum does not exceed 3mg, after the guidance under empty irrigation reset. The control group, direct empty reset. After comparing the efficacy of the two. Results: In the experimental group, 16 cases of midazolam were statically withdrawn, of which 15 cases were successfully treated with empty enema. In the control group, 16 cases were successfully resected. (P = 0.07). The average reset time of experimental group and control group were 34.8 ± 11.35min and 32.7 ± 19.2min respectively (P = 0.733). Conclusion: The use of midazolam sedation and muscle relaxation properties can be used as a pediatric air enema reduction before medication to increase the success rate of reduction.
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目的 :探究沐舒坦联合地塞米松治疗新生儿童重症吸入性肺炎的疗效。方法 :随机选取我院2015年4月-2016年4月120例新生儿童重症吸入性肺炎患者,随机分成两组,即对照组和实验组