Once upon a time, Nagasaki Prefecture, located in the northwestern part of Kyushu, Japan, was home to Japan’s “new civilization.” As a place of introduction of advanced civilization, Nagasaki is known for its excellent geographical location and hard-working, aggressive people. Nagasaki was once also one of the “cradles” of the old Japanese navy, and the famous “Musashi” battleship was built by Mitsubishi Shipyard in Nagasaki. Before the end of World War II, the old Japanese navy set up Sasebo guarding prefectures in Nagasaki Prefecture. This is the westernmost point of Japan’s native land. It is extremely close to China and naturally becomes the starting point for the Japanese navy to control the East Sea and invade China. As the “Yangtze River Fleet” of the Japanese navy, which is mainly in China, the ship belongs to the Shogo Shogunate. This small but significant fleet and its main naval vessels are the contents to be introduced in this article.