
来源 :广州体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjc_0758
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一、前言基础运动能力是人们生活所需要的跑、跳、投等各种动作技能。基础运动能力在幼儿时期已经在日常生活中随意学会,但还需要通过各种锻炼方法,使他们能掌握正确的动作,提高运动技能,从而达到行动灵活、迅速,有力,给生活带来更多的方便。目前,有些幼儿园偏重智力的培养,对幼儿体育缺乏应有的重示和研究。有些家长对独生子女的偏爱,不愿孩子多参加体育活动;也有部份幼儿园因为运动场地小,体育器材缺乏等种种客观原因,致使发展幼儿体育活动受到一定的影响。本文是为了进一步发展幼儿体育活动和提高幼儿运动能力,介绍一些适合年令特点,不受场地和器材限制的体育活动内容和锻炼方法,并经实验证明,可以增强幼儿体质,促进身体发育和提高运动能 First, the preamble Basic athletic ability is people’s life needs of running, jumping, casting and other movement skills. Basic motor skills in early childhood have been free to learn in daily life, but also through a variety of training methods, so that they can master the correct action, improve motor skills, so as to achieve flexible action, rapid, powerful, to bring more life Convenient. At present, some kindergartens emphasize the cultivation of intelligence and lack of due emphasis and research on early childhood sports. Some parents have a preference for only children and do not want children to take part in sports activities. Some kindergartens also have some impact on children’s physical activities due to the objective reasons such as small playgrounds and lack of sports equipment. This article aims to further develop the children’s physical activity and enhance the ability of children’s movement, introduce some suitable for the characteristics of the year, not subject to venue and equipment restrictions on physical activity and exercise methods, and experimental evidence that can enhance physical fitness and promote physical development and increase Exercise energy
高中及中专是人生在生理上、心理上渐趋成熟的阶段 ,也是心理、生理变化最剧烈的阶段 ,特别在毕业前夕更易出现心理矛盾和冲突。本文应用明尼苏达多相个性测量表 (MMPI)进行调查
An analysis of the present and of the future of the re-fractories industry if being presented, considering some im-portant technical,economical, human and envi