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水彩画亦有“厚重”、“深刻”的属性.人们在谈论水彩画的特点时,总是说水彩画流畅、透明,这确实是水彩画表现技法中的一个优势,但从另一方面看也是它的弊端.画油画的人总是抓住其短,说水彩画单薄、肤浅,而看不起画水彩画的同行,我在对水彩画的探索中觉得,水彩画可以有“厚重”和“深刻”的一面.以往有些人画水彩画,总担心水彩画的颜色遍数上得多了会脏,画的东西多了会失去流畅感,因而总是大笔一挥,注意大效果的变化较多,这样画当然是水彩画的一种方法,虽比较流畅,但也流于简单,现在的人看多了这些流畅的东西后,有点不满足了,总想看些表现得更丰富一点、画得更精到一点、感观效果更独特一点的水彩画.人们欣赏品味提高了,希望水彩画在变,不再是一些老技法的重复,这些观念的变化,带动了水彩画的变革.水彩画从材料到技巧的表现都有自身的特性,水彩画可以表现写实,细部处理丰富,它可以借鉴工笔重彩的技法,颜色可以一层层地往上罩.除了明快之外,水彩画还有一个优势是用笔干脆、利落,加上一些特技的运用,有些效果是写实油画表现同样的物体时所难以达到的. Watercolors also have the property of “heavy” and “deep.” When people talk about the characteristics of watercolors, they always say that watercolors are smooth and transparent. This is indeed an advantage in watercolors’ performance techniques, but on the other hand it is also its drawbacks Painting people always grasp the short, that watercolor thin, superficial, but look down on watercolor counterparts, I explore the watercolor that watercolor can have a “heavy” and “profound.” In the past some people Draw watercolors, always worried about the color of the watercolors on the number of passes will be more dirty, painting more things will lose the flu, and therefore always a big wave, pay attention to large changes in the effect of more, this painting is, of course, a watercolor Kind of method, although more fluid, but also flow in the simple, now people see more of these smooth things, a little unsatisfied, always want to see some more richer performance, painting a little more refined, the effect of perception More unique watercolor painting.People enjoy the taste increased, hope that the watercolor is changing, is no longer a duplication of some old techniques, these changes in perception, led to a watercolor change.Watercolor from the material to the performance of the skills have Body characteristics, watercolor painting can be realistic, detailed processing rich, it can learn from the meticulous skill, the color can be layered to the top cover. In addition to the crisp, there is an advantage of watercolors with a simple pen, neat, plus The use of some special effects, some of the effects of realistic oil painting performance of the same object is difficult to achieve.
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