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日前,由清华大学环境学院国家环境模拟与污染控制重点实验室课题组,重点研究了一项关于全国饮用水系统中亚硝胺类消毒副产物的普查工作。三年中,研究组从全国23个省、44个大中小城市和城镇、共155个点位采集了164个水样。水样包括出厂水、用户龙头水和水源水。针对自来水样中已知的全部9种亚硝胺类消毒副产物测试,结果,其中NDMA(亚硝基二甲胺)的浓度最高。研究表示,亚硝胺在中国出厂水和龙头水中的检出浓度高于美国和西欧国家。在已经鉴别出的700多种消毒副产物中,亚硝胺是健康风险最大的消毒副产物类别之一,特别是NDMA。这项研究结果一经媒体报道和期刊发表,就引起广泛关注。尤其是研究中提到“与消化道癌症密切相关”的内容,更引起了民众的不安。针对“多省市自来水中检出疑似致癌物的问题”应该如何正确的理解,国家食品安全风险评估中心食品安全博士钟凯就此进行了深入浅出的解读,旗帜鲜明地表明了观点。文中,钟凯博士还向全社会发出警告,和亚硝胺相关所谓涉及“水净化”产品的大批促销文案,有可能正在紧锣密鼓的胡编乱造中。至于其目的,并不在健康实效,而是在搅乱社会视听,乘乱成批卖出无用产品。 Recently, the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control of Tsinghua University’s Task Force focused on a census of nitrous oxide-based disinfection by-products in drinking water systems across the country. In three years, the research team collected 164 water samples from a total of 155 spots in 23 provinces, 44 medium, small cities and towns across the country. Water samples include factory water, user tap water and source water. For all nine nitrosamine disinfection by-product tests known in tap water samples, the result was that NDMA (nitrosodimethylamine) was the highest concentration. Research shows that nitrosamines in tap water and tap water concentrations higher than the United States and Western European countries. Of the more than 700 disinfection by-products that have been identified, nitrosamines are among the most health-threatening disinfection by-product categories, especially NDMA. As soon as the results of this study were published in the media and journals, it attracted wide attention. In particular, the study mentioned that “closely related to gastrointestinal cancer”, but also caused the public’s anxiety. In response to the question of “suspected carcinogens in tap water of many provinces and cities”, “How should a correct understanding be made?” Dr. Zhong Kai, PhD, Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, conducted an easy-to-understand interpretation of this issue and clearly stated his point of view. In the text, Dr. Zhong Kai also issued a warning to the whole society, and nitrosamines related to the so-called “water purification ” a large number of promotional copy of the product may be in full swing in making trouble. As far as its purpose is concerned, it is not in the true sense of health, but in the disruption of the public’s eyes and ears and the indiscriminate sale of unwanted products.
光气(Phosgene)学名碳酰氯(Carbonyl Chloride),烂苹果味,纯光气无色,工业产品显浅黄色或浅绿色,刺激性强,剧毒,化学性质十分活泼。光气是一种非常重要的化工原料,它广泛应用