
来源 :化工新型材料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jordanfandemin
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硅微粉是工业冶炼硅铁生产过程的副产物,因其含有微量铁氧化物、炭等杂质影响其应用范围的拓展。本研究采用盐酸溶液酸洗方法可有效地去除原粉中的铁氧化物,实验发现随盐酸用量增加,铁的脱除率增大,当盐酸用量大于10g原粉/150mL(20%盐酸)后,脱除铁的反应基本达到平衡。采用煅烧方法可有效地脱除炭,并随煅烧温度增加炭脱除率增大,样品颜色从深灰色逐渐变成浅灰色,直至白色。当温度大于400℃、煅烧时间大于3h后,炭的燃烧反应基本平衡,可以获得满意的脱色效果。实验发现随煅烧温度升高,颗粒直径逐渐增大,因为在煅烧过程中颗粒发生了融合聚并现象;实验发现在建筑结构胶中加入适量硅微粉可有效地提高拉伸和弯曲强度。本研究最佳煅烧温度范围在400~500℃,硅微粉的最佳添加量在6%左右。 Silicon powder is a by-product of industrial smelting ferrosilicon production, due to its trace iron oxide, carbon and other impurities affect the expansion of its scope of application. In this study, hydrochloric acid solution pickling method can effectively remove the iron oxide in the original powder, the experiment found that with the increase of the amount of hydrochloric acid, iron removal rate increases, when the amount of hydrochloric acid is greater than 10g of raw powder / 150mL (20% hydrochloric acid) , The reaction to remove iron basically reached equilibrium. The calcination method can be used to remove charcoal effectively. With the increase of calcination temperature, the char removal rate increases. The color of the sample gradually changes from dark gray to light gray until white. When the temperature is higher than 400 ℃, the calcination time is more than 3h, the combustion reaction of carbon is basically balanced, and satisfactory decoloration effect can be obtained. The experimental results show that with the calcination temperature increasing, the diameter of the particles increases gradually, because the particles undergo fusion and aggregation during the calcination process. It is found that adding suitable amount of silica powder to the structural adhesive effectively increases the tensile and flexural strength. The optimum calcination temperature in this study ranged from 400 ℃ to 500 ℃, and the optimum addition of silica powder was about 6%.