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安泽,是国家级森林公园,是古代思想家荀子的故里,位于山西省临汾市和长治市之间,扼河东、上党之咽喉,历来为兵家必争之地。抗日战争和解放战争时期,刘少奇、邓小平、朱德等老一辈革命家先后战斗和生活在这里,曾是太岳行署、军区所在地。近几年来,县、乡(局)、村三级党委(支部)书记,积极发扬老区人民尚武拥军的光荣传统,始终把关心和支持人武工作抓在手上,落实到行动上,不断促进了全县政治、经济和国防后备力量建设的全面、协调、健康发展。人武部多次被省、市评为森林灭火、正规化达标及“双服务”先进单位,最近又参加了全省民兵军事比武活动,接受了北京军区首长和省“四大班子”领导的检阅,并荣获优秀科目奖。 Anze, a national forest park, is the hometown of Xunzi, an ancient thinker. It lies between Linfen City and Changzhi City in Shanxi Province. It straightens the throat of the Hedong and Shangdang parties and has always been the battleground for the military. Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Zhu De and other older revolutionists have fought and lived here, was Taiyue administrative agency, the military region is located. In recent years, the secretaries of the party committees (branches) at the county, township (bureau) and village levels actively carried forward the glorious tradition of invading military units of the old people and armed forces in the old areas and always kept the work of caring for and supporting armed personnel in their hands, putting them into action and constantly Promote the county’s political, economic and national defense reserve forces in a comprehensive, coordinated and healthy development. People’s Armed Forces on many occasions by the provincial and municipal governments as the forest fire, regularization standard and “dual service ” advanced unit, recently participated in the militia military contest in the province, accepted the Beijing Military Region chief and provincial "Leadership review, and won the best subject award.
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