The Choice of Narrator and Its Effects

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  Abstract: A novel is a long narrative which describes fictional characters and events. It would be narrated in different ways or angles. The narrators can be roughly classified into heterodiegetic narrator and homodiegetic narrator. Different choice of narrator would have different effects. This passage is going to analyze the effects of different narrators in different novels.
  Key words: Novel; Narrator; Heterodiegetic; Homodiegetic
  一、Early Autumn
  In the story Early Autumn which is about the story that the two who were lovers met each other again, it is narrated by heterodiegetic narrator. It has three effects. The first one is that heterodiegetic narrator can know something in the past and at present. For example, in Early Autumn, the narrator can know what happened between Mary and Bill when both of them were young and the life of them at present. The second one is that the narrator can know both Bill and Mary’s inner world. For example, written in the novel, “’you are looking very-’ (He wanted to see old)”. From this sentence, we can know the narrator is able to know what Bill really wants to say. What more, “Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss-” From this sentence, we can know the narrator is able to know what Mary really wants to do. The third one is that the narrator can describe the sittings naturally and independently, which could be seen in the novel.
  However, if we use Bill as a homodiegetic narrator, some effects couldn’t be reached. For example, Bill is not able to know Mary’s inner feelings. Even if he can write something about Mary’s feeling, it wouldn’t be so much authentic as it written by heterodiegetic narrator.
  二、The Story of An Hour
  The main idea of The Story of An Hour is that a lady’s, Mrs Mallard, a series of reaction after knowing her husband’s death. This story is also narrated by heterodiegetic narrator, but compared to Early Autumn, it has different effects. In this novel, it mainly has two effects. The one is that the narrator can know details about characters’ inner thoughts and their facial expressions which the characters don’t realize. In this novel, there are many descriptions in details of Mrs. Mallard, such as, “with a paralyzed inability”, “wild abandonment”, “pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul”, “quite motionless”, “she was young, with a fair, clam face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength.” Nevertheless, if we use Mrs. Mallard as a narrator, although she could know herself very well, she can’t describe her facial expression or some subconscious behaviors in details. Another is that although the narrator knows all the characters, he can choose one that he really wants to show readers, and then describe the main character carefully. For example, in Story of An Hour, the main character is Mrs. Mallard. Therefore, the narrator uses a lot of paragraphs to describe Mrs. Mallard in details. However, the other characters, such as Josephine, Richards, and Brently, are described less than the main character.   三、The Gospel According to Mark
  The novel, The Gospel According to Mark, about a medical student named Baltazar Espinoza, whose life is changed when his cousin Daniel invites him to spend vacation to La Colorada ranch. In this story, the author, Jorge Luis Borges also chiefly employs the heterodiegetic narrator angle, as far as I know which has two main effects. The one is that the narrator knows everything in the novel like God. He knows Espinosa, his father and his mother. Except that, he also knows the Gutres. Another effect is that the narrator shows readers the characters’ personalities directly and indirectly. In the novel, form this sentence---”Owing to an acquiescent nature--”--- it shows the personality of Espinosa directly. Then, such as, “--he said yes at once--it was easier to say yes than to dream up reasons for saying no. “, “‘yes, to save everyone from Hell’”, and “’yes,’ said Espinosa, whose theology was rather dim.” All these sentences show the readers indirectly that Espinosa has no his own perception, always keeps silent and isn’t brave enough to express his own real thoughts, which is objective and convincing.
  四、 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
  As for this story, the author mainly uses heterodiegetic narrator angle. Its Protagonist is Jim Smiley. Therefore the narrator tells readers too much about him and unveils a lot of things that Smiley can’t realized by himself, which is objective and convinced. For example, in the novel, “--he was the curiosest man about always betting on anything that turned up you ever see--” which is the objective description of Smiley.
  五、 The Tell-Tale Heart
  Different from others, this novel is narrated by homodiegetic narrator. In my opinion, it has two chiefly effects. The first is that the narrator just could his own inner thoughts, but he doesn’t know something about other characters. If he writes something about others, it would be what he guesses. Like this novel, the narrator tells readers too much about his or her own thoughts and feelings. However, the narrator also shows something about the police. For example, “the officers were satisfied. My manner had convinced them”, which has little reliability; because it gives readers this kind of feeling that the thoughts of the police are just guessed by the narrator. In addition, it also has another effect that the narrator can know his own feelings, when the thing happened in the past and except that, he can also tell readers his feelings at present, when he reviews the thing. In The Tell-Tale Heart, in the previous part, the narrator shows too much about his or her own thoughts when he or she killed the old man. What’s more, he or she also tells the readers the feelings when the thing is recalled. For example, “you should see how wisely I proceeded--”, from the sentence, it could be seen that his comment on what he did in the past.
  By analyzing these five novels, it would be concluded that the choice of different narrators has different effects and that one narrative angle could have different effects in different novels or could have multiple effects in one novel.
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摘 要:在中学的教学之中,语文是主要的课程之一,既能锻炼学生的语言能力、阅读能力,还可以提高学生对文字的驾驭能力以及欣赏能力,對提高学生的综合能力具有十分重要的作用。本文对语文的教学实践现状进行了探讨,基于对传统文化的挖掘与利用,实现与语文教学的结合,促进语文古诗词阅读教学的教学实践的深入,既能弘扬以及传承我国的传统文化,还可以将教学的效率提高,具有十分重要的意义。  关键词:传统文化;中学语文;
摘 要:为了顺应当前教育制度的改革,符合新课程改革的新要求,初中语文教学也发生了一些变化。就阅读方面而言,教师只是按照事先准备好的文章让学生自己阅读,而有关阅读的效果和质量,我们却没有去估量。所以要求我们老师有针对性的进行 阅读教学,才能更好地激发学生对学习语文的兴趣,从而确保阅读教学的有序进行。本文就初中语文对话阅读教学进行了简要的分析。  关键词:初中语文;对话阅读教学;探究  作为当代教育者
摘 要:语文这一门学科是初中教学中的基础学科,首先初中语文的学习成绩也很大程度影响着学生的毕业,毕竟语文学科在中考中占了很大的一部分。其次,语文学科跟其他学科相互联系,相互影响。从现阶段教学中来看,语文教学中也存在着很多的问题,教师和学生都要对这些问题有所重视切忌不要听之任之,必须把问题得到有效的解决。本篇文章就是针对初中语文教学中存在的一些问题做探究,并且提出了相关的解决措施。  关键词:初中语
摘 要:二十一世纪是一个充满激励竞争的时代,要想在社会的洪流中有一席之地,唯有学习,不停的学习。凉山,一个一步跨千年的地方,由于从奴隶社会直接进入社会主义社会,无论在生活习惯、语言、文学沉淀等方面与外界还有很大差异。在当今的教育大环境下如何提高民族学生的阅读兴趣是摆在民族地区初中语文教师面前的一个难题。我个人认为,培养学生科学、智慧的阅读习惯尤为重要。本文从阅读的规律、阅读与生活、阅读与写作三个方
摘 要:随着经济社会的发展和教育教学改革的持续深入,改进和加强初中语文教育教学逐渐成为当前中学德育教育的重点内容。作为重要的初中德育教育工作组成部分,初中语文教育工作的好坏能在很大程度上影响初中学生的人生观、世界观和价值观的正确树立,进而能够影响良好社会风气的形成和和谐社会的顺利构建。本文将对初中语文课堂教学中的合作学习进行研究分析,以期给相关研究者以有益借鉴。  关键词:中学语文;课堂教学;自主
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摘 要:文章对现代信息技术在初中数学中的运用提出了相应的措施,以期提高初中数学与现代信息技术的整合的实用性,达到优化学习过程和学习资源的目的。  关键词:初中数学 ;现代信息技术; 资源整合  《数学课程标准》指出:数学课程的设计与实施应重视运用现代信息技术……把现代信息技术作为学生学习数学和解决问题的强有力工具,致力于改变学生的学习方式,使学生乐意并有更多精力投入到现实的、探索性的数学活动中去。
摘 要:“图难于其易,为大于其细。”精细化管理是教育改革和发展的必然要求,也是解决目前教学管理“无序”状态的有效措施。素质教育背景下,以较高的立足点分析教学理念,并低着手落实于实践当中,推进教学管理精细化。  关键词:初中;精细化管理;教学  “泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高;江海不择细流,故能就其深”。管理学校,特别是农村初中的教学理论与实践,需要学习新的经验和管理理论,为学校管理发展注入了新的活力。