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(三)日地平动点晕(Halo)轨道的日地空间探测 国际日地探险者3号卫星(ISEE—3)是世界上第一颗进入晕轨道实施空间探测的卫星。是为了近地空间探测研究和预报的需要,以及晕轨道对监测太阳风和行星际磁场的重要作用而发射的。 1990年10月6日,美国的发现号航天飞机上还施放了一个由NASA和ESA联合研制的尤利西斯(Ulysses)号太阳探测器。这个探测器质量为385kg,装有9台套探测仪器,探测器进入太阳轨道,这是世界上第一个飞越太阳两极上空的探测器,实现了对太阳的近距离探测。1992年2月3日飞过木星附近,探测了木星磁场;1994年6月至11月飞越太阳南极上空,探测了太阳风和磁场分布,并将探测数据发回地球;1995年6月至9月飞越太阳北极上空,探测和考察了北极冠,并测量了太阳北极磁场的强度和方向,以及极区太阳风的速度、密度和温度等。 (III) Day-to-day spatial exploration of the Halo orbit Earth-moving ISEE-3 is the world’s first spacecraft to enter the halo orbit for space exploration. Is required for the research and prediction of near-Earth space exploration and for the important role of halo orbits in monitoring solar wind and interplanetary magnetic fields. On October 6, 1990, the Uranus sun detector jointly developed by NASA and ESA was also deployed on the U.S. space shuttle Discovery. The detector mass of 385kg, equipped with nine sets of detection equipment, the detector into the sun orbit, which is the world’s first over the sun over the poles of the detector, to achieve the close detection of the sun. Jupiter magnetic field was detected on February 3, 1992, near Jupiter, and over the solar Antarctic from June to November 1994. The solar wind and magnetic field were detected and the sounding data was sent back to earth. From June to September 1995 Flying over the North Pole of the Sun, detecting and inspecting the North Pole crown, and measuring the intensity and direction of the North Pole magnetic field and the speed, density and temperature of the solar wind in the polar region.
国家赔偿审判工作方式将作出重大改革,拟推行引入听证程序为重点的审判方式改革,在审判全过程中体现公平公正原则,切实保障公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益。 最高人民法院
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第一章 总 则 第一条 为了加强林政案件的管理,加大对森林资源的保护与管理力度,提高办理林政案件的质量和效率,根据《森林法》、《行政处罚法》等有关法律、法规,制定本办法。
近年来,农机事故处理取证难的现象越来越严重,它给事故的准确和公正的处理带来了很大困难。这里分析一下取证难的一些原因。 (1)一些事故目击者和知情人思想有顾虑,不愿作证