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今年4月份,黑龙江省在136户骨干企业中开展“提质降耗进档达标”竞赛活动。这项活动是由省总工会、省生产调度局、省财政厅联合发起的,并成立了由副省长担任组长的领导小组。竞赛主要围绕完成指令性计划、降低能源原材料消耗、提高产品质量和安全生产等7项指标进行的。参赛企业在完成上述7项指标的前提下,以完成利税,提高产品质量,降低能源、原材料消耗为主要依据进行分档。竞赛分三个档次进行考评:实现利税增长超过规定指标10%以上,能源、原材料消耗下降超过规定指标4%,产品质量超过规定指标4%的为一档;实现利税增长超过规定指标5%,能耗、原材料消耗下降超过规定指标2%,产品质量提高规定指标2%的为二档;全面完成各项指标的为三档。 In April of this year, Heilongjiang Province carried out the competition activities of “advancement of quality, reduction of consumption, and compliance with standards” among 136 key enterprises. This activity was jointly initiated by the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the Provincial Production and Dispatching Bureau, and the Provincial Department of Finance, and a leading group led by the Deputy Governor was established. The competition was mainly focused on seven indicators including the completion of mandatory plans, reduction of energy and raw material consumption, improvement of product quality and safe production. Under the premise of completing the above seven indicators, the participating enterprises will use the main basis for taxation, improving product quality, and reducing the consumption of energy and raw materials. The competition is divided into three grades for evaluation: achieving profits and taxation growth exceeds the prescribed index by more than 10%; energy and raw material consumption fall by more than the specified index by 4%; product quality exceeds the specified index by 4%; and the profit and tax increase exceeds the specified target by 5%. The consumption of energy and raw materials dropped by more than 2% of the specified index, and the product quality increased by 2% of the specified index for the second gear; and the full completion of all indicators was for the third gear.
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喷水织机生产线是国家经委和原航空工业部批准的军转民重点技术改造项目,总投资500余万元,1989年12月在我公司建成并通过国家验收. The water jet loom production line is