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哪一朵花不期盼阳光的滋润?然而,一粒种子到开花的过程是何其艰难,需要冲破土地的勇气,需要越过坚冰的执著,才能最终修成正果,把绿的希望带给广裹的大地。哪一只鸟不盼望着春天的烂漫?然而,寒冬腊日中的艰苦等待又是何其难熬,需要顽强卓越的精神与寒冷抗衡,经过岁月的磨练,生命的洗礼,心灵逐渐成长,才能穿越寒冬,迎来暖春。哪一个人不渴望拥有财富?然而,贫穷的折磨,失败的挫折又是何其残忍,需要笑对苦难的宽广心胸,需要善待挫折的渊博度量,才能拥有生命取之不尽的财富。初来合肥,人生地疏,不免心生些许紧张,然而,一如照片所见的慈眉善目出现在眼前,上下漂浮的心顿时安静下来。但,何总亲自来迎的诚恳,清晨微寒中近一个小时的等待,又使我安静的心无法平静,——这般的毫无架子果真是那个声名显赫的老总吗?疑问直至采访结束方才得以释然。本是作为初次见面的相互问候,却似乎无意中开启了记忆的宝盒而一发不可收拾,又似两个多年未见的老友,终得以相聚而促膝长谈。记忆的洪水渐渐将我淹没,眼前只剩下他记忆的画卷,随着他的叙述,一幅一幅从奴隶到将军的创业历程慢慢展开…… Which flower does not expect the sun’s moisture? However, a seed to the flowering process is difficult, need to break the courage of the land, need to go beyond the ice of perseverance in order to eventually become positive, the green hope brought to the wide package The earth. Which bird does not expect the spring is full of romance? However, in the winter and the hardships waiting for is how hard it needs the spirit of indomitable excellence and cold contend, after years of tempering, the baptism of life, the soul gradually grow in order to pass Winter, usher in a warm spring. Which one does not desire to have wealth? However, what is the cruelty of poverty, the frustration of failure, the need to laugh at the broad mind of suffering and the need to treat the profound setbacks of frustration in order to have the inexhaustible wealth of life? Early Hefei, life sparse, can not help but a little nervous, however, as seen in the photos of kindness appears in front of the upper and lower floating heart suddenly quiet. However, He always came to see the cordial, morning slightly cold in the nearly an hour of waiting, but also to my quiet heart can not be calm, - such a dead-end really is the prestigious CEO it? The interview was only relieved until the end of the interview . This greeting, as a first-time greeting, seems to have inadvertently opened the treasure box of memories and out of control. It seems that two old friends whom they have not seen for many years have finally come together for a long time. The memory of the flood gradually flooded me, leaving only his memory of the picture, with his narration, one by one from the slave to the general career slowly started ... ...
由化学矿产地质研究院承担的国家“九五”科技攻关项目 ( 96— 91 1— 0 1— 0 5专题 ,1 996~ 2 0 0 0年 )“内蒙古盐湖与台湾高山湖泊晚第四纪末次冰川以来古气候对比研究”
德国塑料机械生产厂Coperion Werner&Pflei- derer公司的ZSK型双螺杆捏合机是一种小型挤出塑料配料配混装置。由于采用了德国PIV Drives公司的挤出机齿轮传动装置Postwin,传
干燥的 THF中加入 1当量 Zr Cl4,再在 0℃下加入 4当量Na BH4和 1当量脂族或芳族硝基化合物的 THF溶液 ,室温反应或回流数小时即得相应的伯胺。 1 0例收率 78%~ 92 %。ZrCl_4-
首届北京爱斯达杯国际犬展时间:2006年5月19日-21日审查员:Mr.Robert Condon(美国) Mrs.Ruth Zimmerman(美国)此次犬展是首次在名犬交易市场举办的大型国际犬展。松狮、金毛