Geochemical characteristics of pyrolysis gas from epimetamorphic rocks in the northern basement of S

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mydoself
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The Xushen gas field,located in the north of Songliao Basin,is a potential giant gas area for China in the future.Its proved reserves have exceeded 1000×10 8 m 3 by the end of 2005.But,the origin of natural gases from the deep strata is still in debating.Epimetamorphic rocks as a potential gas source are widely spreading in the northern basement of Songliao Basin.According to pyrolysis experiments for these rocks in the semi-confined system,gas production and geochemistry of alkane gases are discussed in this paper.The Carboniferous-Permian epimetamorphic rocks were heated from 300℃to 550℃,with temperature interval of 50℃.The gas production was quantified and measured for chemical and carbon isotopic compositions.Results show thatδ13C 1 is less than?20‰,carbon isotope trend of alkane gas isδ13C 1 <δ13C 2 <δ13C 3 orδ13C 1 <δ13C 2 >δ13C 3 ,these features suggest that the gas would be coal-type gas at high-over maturity,not be inorganic gas with reversal trend of gaseous alkanes (δ13C 1 >δ13C 2 >δ13C 3 ).These characteristics of carbon isotopes are similar with the natural gas from the basin basement,but disagree with gas from the Xingcheng reservoir.Thus,the mixing gases from the pyrolysis gas with coal-typed gases at high-over maturity or oil-typed gases do not cause the reversal trend of carbon isotopes.The gas generation intensity for epimetamorphic rocks is 3.0×10 8 ―23.8×10 8 m 3 /km 2 ,corresponding to Ro from 2.0%to 3.5%for organic matter. The Xushen gas field, located in the north of Songliao Basin, is a potential giant gas area for China in the future. Iraq’s proven reserves have exceeded 1000 × 10 8 m 3 by the end of 2005. But, the origin of natural gases from the deep strata is still in debating. Epimetamorphic rocks as a potential gas source is widely spreading in the northern basement of Songliao Basin. According to pyrolysis experiments for these rocks in the semi-confined system, gas production and geochemistry of alkane gases are discussed in this paper. The Carboniferous-Permian epimetamorphic rocks were heated from 300 ° C. to 550 ° C. with a temperature interval of 50 ° C. The gas production was quantified and measured for chemical and carbon isotopic compositions. Results show that δ13C 1 is less than -20 ‰, carbon isotope trend of alkane gas is δ13C 1 <δ13C 2 <δ13C 3 or δ13C 1 <δ13C 2> δ13C 3 These features suggest that the gas would be coal-type gas at high-over maturity, not be inorganic gas with reversal trend of gaseous a lsenes (δ13C 1> δ13C 2> δ13C 3) .These characteristics of carbon isotopes are similar with the natural gas from the basin basement, but disagree with gas from the Xingcheng reservoir.Thus, the mixing gases from the pyrolysis gas with coal-typed gases at high-over maturity or oil-typed gases do not cause the reversal trend of carbon isotopes. The gas generation intensity for epimetamorphic rocks is 3.0 × 10 8 -23.8 × 10 8 m 3 / km 2, corresponding to Ro from 2.0% to 3.5% for organic matter.
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国家大剧院版首部自制小剧场话剧《玩偶之家》演出剧照。  赵晓宇,男,汉族,国家大剧院舞台技术部,舞台设计,舞台监督,高级技术主管,中央戏剧学院舞台美术系舞台设计本科,中国传媒大
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【摘要】  我国是四大文明古国,在几千年的历史沉淀中,中华民族拥有了弥足珍贵且丰富的文化遗产。在全球旅游业大发展的背景下,遗址旅游的发展正在实现模式的多样化和产品类型的创新。总体来看,遗址旅游发展的基本模式包括:遗址博物馆模式、遗址旅游区模式、遗址公园模式、创意产业模式、考古活动参与模式等,其中,遗址公园是目前国内最普遍的一种遗址保护与利用模式。在呼吁协调遗址的保护与开发的热潮中,生态设计成为遗址