一试验地概况: 试验地位于吉林林学院蛟河实验林场132林班内,平均海拔高度为500m,土层厚度14~18c厘米,灰棕色森林土,平均坡度15℃,坡向东坡,林令12~25年,落叶松人工林。在试验地内,依据三角顶点原理,基于四砍四留和五看原则,对其进行了三角抚育作业。二、三角株距公式系数的确定: 由于“三角法”中的三角株距公式系数用经验法试制,且公式数据由标准林分调查得来,故在运用“三角法”进行人工林抚育时,必须确定公式中的系数,以适应使用林
An experimental overview: The experimental site is located in Jilin Linlin Jiaohe Experimental Forest 132 forest classes, the average altitude of 500m, soil thickness of 14 ~ 18c cm, gray brown forest soil, the average gradient of 15 ℃, slope to the east slope, Lin Order 12 to 25 years, larch plantation. In the experimental site, based on the triangular vertex principle, based on the four cut four stay and five see the principle of its triangular tending operation. Second, the triangle strains from the formula to determine the coefficient: As the “triangle method ” in the triangular strain coefficient formula trial by the empirical method, and the formula data from the standard forest survey came, so the use of “triangle method ” for plantation When tending, the coefficients in the formula must be determined to accommodate the use of the forest