罗大万的城市摄影艺术作品 光色交织的重庆写真

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他看见一只空中的鹰,斜仄着刀片一般的翅膀,桀骜地盘旋,俯瞰着山水之间这座巨大的城市。那一时刻罗大万通灵似的灵魂飘逸,凌空高蹈,仿佛自己正以鹰的目光,在俯瞰置身的这座城市…… He saw an empty eagle, obliquely blade-like wings, whirling around, overlooking the huge city between landscapes. At that moment Luo Dau Wan psychic-like soul elegant, volley, as if they are looking at the eagle, overlooking the exposure of the city ... ...
One day,a teacher asked a student to write 55.“But how?”the student asked.“Write 5 and beside it another 5!”The student wrote 5 and stopped.And the teachera