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深沪股市终于在一片收阴收阳的争论中静悄悄地告别了1994年,双双收阳,低姿态步入1995年。 就深沪股市的大盘走势而言,深圳股市从1994年元月3日以238.27开盘,于元月10日摸高244.47点后一路盘下,又在7月29日探底94.77点,创历史最低点,八、九月份一路狂涨,牛气冲天,于9月13日摸高234.96点盘桓多日,10月初狂泻止150点左右,此后一路疲软盘下,于12月30日报收于140.63点。年K线上影6.2点,实体97.64点,下影45.86点,全年跌幅达40.98%。 沪深股市机关联动,走势基本一致。上海股市从1994年元月3日以837.71点开市,一路缓步几乎平直盘下,在7月29日创沪市历史最低325.93点,八、九月份反转飚升,重现牛劲猴性,如久困的醒狮,涨势如虹,交易连创天量,于9月13日摸高1052.14点。涨得急必跌得深,股市重心理论不可抗拒。10月初沪市狂跌亦现疯狂,连续四根大阴,10月7日探底546点,跌去506点,跌幅达48%之深,当日高低落差213点,创沪市日震幅之最,真可谓股海波涛汹涌,令人心惊肉跳。此后虽有几个余波兴起,但大势已去,弱市盘跌市道难改,于12月30日收于647.86点,静悄悄步入1995年。年K线为上影214.43点,下影321.93点,实体189.85点的大阴线,全年跌幅达22.3%。 Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets finally quietly bid farewell to a controversy over the negative Yang in 1994, both received Yang, low profile into 1995. For the broader market of Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets, the Shenzhen stock market opened at 238.27 on the 3rd of January, 1994, touched down 244.47 points on January 10 and then hit a bottom of 94.77 points on July 29, setting a record. The lowest point, August and September all the way up, arrogant, touching the high of 234.96 points on September 13, hurricane, dexterity only about 150 points in early October, then all the way down the plate, on December 30 to close at 140.63 point. K-line on the shadow of 6.2 points, 97.64 entities, under the shadow of 45.86 points, the annual decline of 40.98%. Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market agencies linkage, the trend is basically the same. Shanghai stock market opened with 837.71 points on January 3, 1994, slowly leveling almost straight down and hit a record low of 325.93 points on July 29, with the reversal soaring in August and September to reproduce the bullish monkeys , Such as long sleepy lion, rising rainbow, the transaction even the amount of days, hit a high of 1052.14 points on September 13. Rise must fall deep, the stock market center of gravity irresistible. In early October, the ups and downs of Shanghai stock market were also mad. Four consecutive big yin deflates to 546 points on Oct. 7, down 506 points, down 48%, dropping 213 points on the same day, hitting a daily high of Shanghai Stock Exchange Mostly, it can be said that the stock market is choppy and turgid. Although there are several aftermath rise, but the trend has gone, the weaker market fell hard to change, on December 30 to close at 647.86 points, quietly entered 1995. Year K-line on the shadow of 214.43 points, the next shadow 321.93 points, the entity 189.85 points Yinxian, the annual decline of 22.3%.