樊春茂:勤奋敬业 甘愿奉献

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樊春茂同志有着强烈的工作热情和敬业精神,有较高的研究、解决问题的能力和创新意识,工作业绩突出,谦逊谨慎,廉洁自律,为辽源市的劳动就业工作作出了突出贡献:一、在妥善处理国有企业下岗职工劳动关系试点工作中发挥了重要作用。1997年5月份,辽源市政府同意开展解除国有、集体企业下岗、离厂人员劳动关系的试点工作,该同志立即带领再就业办公室的人员,深入到有代表性的企业和下岗职工中,就如何才能解决下岗职工与企业的劳动关系进行调查研究,为确定试点提供了可靠的依据。在起草试点方案时,该同志又在国家劳动法律法规与辽源市实际的结合上, Comrade Fan Chunmao has a strong enthusiasm and dedication to work, has a high research, problem-solving ability and sense of innovation. Outstanding work performance, modest and prudent, self-discipline and self-discipline have made outstanding contributions to labor and employment work in Liaoyuan City. First, It has played an important role in the pilot work of properly handling the labor relations of laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises. In May 1997, the Liaoyuan municipal government agreed to carry out the pilot work of relieving the labor relations between the state-owned and collective enterprises that have been laid off and leaving the factory. The comrades immediately led reemployed office personnel to conduct interviews with representatives of enterprises and laid-off workers. In order to solve the laid-off workers and enterprises of the labor relations investigation and study, to determine the pilot provides a reliable basis. In the drafting of the pilot program, the comrade again in the national labor laws and regulations and the actual combination of Liaoyuan City,
机械工程(试卷3,1/3) 金属工艺 规定考试时间:3小时 任选六题 1.全面回答以下材料问题: (1)锻件加工前为何最好先进行热处理? Mechanical Engineering (Paper 3,1 / 3) met
各位编委、各位代表: 早晨好! 今天,借着在甘肃省分行调研及《西部论丛》编委会第二次会议召开之际,能够在会上听取大家对建设银行服务西部大开发、促进全行特别是建设银行西
1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition to Cyo of an azomethine ylide,which was generated in situ from refluxing a mixture of cyclohexanone and DL-valine in chlorobenzene un
一、前言VK-16c 型压缩机是西德 DEMAG 公司的产品,为4级3轴双转速的透平式空气压缩机。其轴均为刚性结构。每级叶轮前进口均设有可调导向叶栅。各级之间及第四级之后均设有