江泽民总书记在参加八届全国人大四次会议安徽代表团讨论时指出:“各级领导干部都要讲实情,说真话,实事求是地反映社情民意,这是我们党一贯的传统和作风”,“大家都要讲真话!”这一重要指示,不仅有很强的现实针对性,而且有深远的指导意义。 我们党之所以要求共产党员都要讲真话,首先,这是由我们党的性质所决定的。我们党是工人阶级的先锋队组织,是我国各族人民利益的忠实代表,是我国革命和社会
General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out in his discussion at the Anhui delegation to the Fourth Session of the Eighth NPC that “Leading cadres at all levels should tell the truth, tell the truth and truthfully seek to reflect the conditions of social conditions and public opinion. This is our party’s traditional tradition and style, ”Everyone must tell the truth!" This important directive not only has strong practical relevance but also has far-reaching guiding significance. The reason why our party requires communists to tell the truth is that, first and foremost, this is determined by the nature of our party. Our party is the vanguard organization of the working class and a loyal representative of the interests of all ethnic groups in our country and is the country’s revolution and society