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策划序言自1999年起,随着我国各高校的扩招,在校大学生人数剧增。1998年全国各类高校在校生规模为360万人,到2006年底迟到了2300万人,8年增长了约5.4倍。高校在校生这一特殊消费群体的扩大,孕育了一个庞大的消费市场,这无疑为相关产业带来了巨大的商机。如今依托大学校园,以大学生为消费主体,以校园周边为主要市场领域,发展起了一种区域性经济,我们不妨称之为——校园经济。我国的校园经济面对的是数千万人的大市场,它们分布在全国各个省市,其中又以北京、上海、广州、南京、成都、武汉、西安、沈阳等城市最为集中。据统计,各地大学生每年人均消费支出达到9638元。除学杂费外,人均生活消费额5000余元,总消费额高达1200亿。同时,大学校园的教师队伍,也已逐步进入了高收入阶层,全国高校专任教师达百万之众,其消费实力亦不容忽视。然而,面对校园市场如此诱人的香饽饽,许多投资者似乎又无从下“口”。本专题拟就如何进入校团经济商圈,如何抓住顾客群的消费心理,如何切合大学生的消费行为,应采取哪些营销策略等问题,向有意涉足校园经济的投资者提供资讯参考。 Planning preface Since 1999, with the enrollment expansion of various colleges and universities in our country, the number of undergraduates in colleges and universities has soared. In 1998, the number of students enrolled in all kinds of colleges and universities in the country was 3.6 million. By the end of 2006, it was 23 million and an increase of 5.4 times in eight years. The expansion of college students, a special consumer group, has created a huge consumer market. This undoubtedly has brought tremendous business opportunities to related industries. Now relying on the university campus to college students as the main consumer, around the campus as the main market areas, developed a regional economy, we may wish to call - campus economy. The campus economy of our country faces the big market of tens of millions of people. They are distributed in all provinces and cities in China, among which the cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xi’an and Shenyang are the most concentrated. According to statistics, the annual per capita expenditure of college students reaches 9,638 yuan. In addition to tuition and miscellaneous fees, the per capita living expenses amount to 5,000 yuan, with a total spending amounting to 120 billion yuan. At the same time, the contingent of teachers in university campuses has also gradually entered the high-income class. The number of full-time teachers in universities and colleges in the country has reached over one million and its consumption power can not be ignored. However, in the face of so attractive fragrances in the campus market, many investors seem to have no alternative. This topic is about how to enter the school economic circle, how to seize the consumer psychology of the customer base, how to meet the consumer behavior of college students, what marketing strategies should be taken and other issues, to provide investors interested in the campus economy information reference.
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