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一、化学仪器的繪图在中学化学教学中的意义: 繪制化学实驗装置图,在中学生学习化学的过程中是經常要碰到的。它不仅是学生化学实驗报告的重要組成部分之一,就是当教师在課堂上演示实驗时,也要求学生将实驗装置中的主要部分画下来,所以它也是学生化学笔記的主要內容之一。在开展課外活动中,如帮助学校繪制某些实驗掛图来布置化学实驗室等,也要用到化学仪器的繪图。至于在生产劳动过程中,接触到图的机会就更多了,对于一个熟练的技术工人来說,不仅要能够熟练地識别和繪制有关的化工生产設备图,并且也要能够准确地按图进行有关的生产操作。如果拿起图来一窍不通,动起笔来連个瓶子都画不好。这对于进一步的研究和改进技术是会增加很多困难的。 First, the drawing of chemical equipment in high school chemistry teaching: drawing chemical experiment device diagram, in the process of learning chemistry in middle school students are often met. It is not only one of the most important parts of a student’s chemistry experiment report, but also one of the main contents of a student’s chemistry note when the teacher is required to draw the main part of the experimental device when the teacher demonstrates the experiment in the classroom. In the extracurricular activities, such as helping schools to draw some experimental wall charts to set up chemical laboratories, but also the use of chemical equipment drawing. As for the production process, there is even more chance of getting access to the map. For a skilled worker, not only can the skilled chemical worker be able to identify and draw the relevant chemical production equipment diagram accurately, but also be able to accurately press the diagram Carry out the relevant production operations. If you pick up the picture to know nothing, move the pen to even draw a bottle is not good. This will add a lot of difficulties to further research and improvement of technology.
412.催化作用的電子理論.Ⅰ——金屬(Théorie électronique de la Catalyse. I——Métaux, J. E. Germain, Bull. Soc. Chim. de France, 1956. Aout-Sept., 1305-1313)
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