立足民政职能 构建和谐衡阳

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近几年来,我市民政工作认真落实“以民为本、为民解困”的宗旨,以解决民生、落实民权、维护民利为己任,在调节社会矛盾、维护社会公平、促进社会稳定中尽职尽责。通过全市上下的不懈努力:全市城乡新型社会救助体系初步形成;基层民主政治建设全面推进;优抚安置工作不断改革创新;社会事务管理不断规范;社会福利事业加快发展。全市民政工作总体状况是与时俱进,为衡阳的改革发展发挥了自身的职能作用。构建和谐社会目标的提出,为新时期的民政工作指明了方向,提出了新的任务和挑战,也带来了新的机遇。民政部门要始终坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全 In recent years, our city's civil administration has earnestly implemented the principle of “taking the people as the foundation and solving the difficulties for the people”, taking the solution of people's livelihood, implementing the civil rights and safeguarding the people's interests as our own duty. While regulating social conflicts, maintaining social fairness and promoting social stability Dutifully. Through the unremitting efforts of the whole city, the city's new social assistance system for urban and rural areas was initially formed; the construction of grassroots democratic politics was promoted in an all-round way; the work of special care and rehousing continued to be reform and innovation; the social affairs management was constantly regulated; and the cause of social welfare was accelerated. The overall situation of civil affairs in the city is advancing with the times and played its own role in the reform and development of Hengyang. The formulation of the goal of building a harmonious society has pointed out the direction for the civil affairs work in the new era, put forward new tasks and challenges as well as brought new opportunities. Civil affairs departments must always adhere to the important thought of “Three Represents” as a guide, and all
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