Geochemical Indication of Sinian Bedded Siliceous Rocks in the Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi Area and Their

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vanechin
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In the Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi area there have developed very thick bedded siliceous rocks of the late Sinian. The rocks have a fairly pure composition, with an average content of siliceous minerals exceeding 95%. They are relatively rich in Fe and Mn, and poor in Al, Ti and Mg. The Fe/Ti, (Fe+Mn)/Ti, Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) and U/Th ratios and the Al-Fe-Mn and Fe-Mn-(Ni+Co+Cu)×10 triangle diagrams all show that they are hydrothermal sedimentary siliceous rocks. In the rocks the total amount of REEs is low, the δCe shows an obvious negative anomaly and the 8Eu a weak anomaly, and LREE>HREE, all indicating that they are products of hydrothermal processes. The δ30Si and δ18O values, as well as the formation temperature of the rocks all clearly show that the silica forming the rocks comes from hot water. Besides, analyses of the depositional environment of the rocks using the MnO/TiO2 ratio and the δCe and δ30Si values yield the same conclusion that they are formed in environments from continental marginal slope In the Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi area there have developed very thick bedded siliceous rocks of the late Sinian. The rocks have a fairly pure composition, with an average content of siliceous minerals exceeding 95%. They are relatively rich in Fe and Mn, and Fe in Ti, (Fe + Mn) / Ti, Al / (Al + Fe + Mn) and U / Th ratios and the Al-Fe-Mn and Fe-Mn- (Ni + Co + Cu) × 10 triangle diagrams all show that they are hydrothermal sedimentary siliceous rocks. In the rocks the total amount of REEs is low, the δCe shows an obvious negative anomaly and the 8Eu a weak anomaly, and LREE> HREE, all indicating that they are products of hydrothermal processes. The δ30Si and δ18O values, as well as the formation temperature of the rocks all clearly show that the silica forming the rocks comes from hot water. Besides, analyzes of the depositional environment of the rocks using the MnO / TiO2 ratio and the δCe and δ30Si values ​​yield the same conclusion that they are formed in environments from continen tal marginal slope
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