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特布卡大学是印度尼西亚唯一一所完全采用远程教育教学模式的国立大学,旨在为那些无法进入面授高校的印尼人提供教育机会。特布卡大学的宗旨是增进高等教育的入学率,为全国公民提供优质高等教育的平等机会。其扩展高等教育的策略包括:与其他机构合作和联合,建立全国的网络化教育系统,并通过这一系统提供多样化的课程。通过这一策略,证明了特布卡大学有能力服务于全国每个角落的学生。在教育质量方面,特布卡大学采用整合学习包的方法,包括印刷教材和音像/计算机辅助教材,并辅以丰富的音频和电视节目,同时还提供一种超市模式的学习支持服务,学生可选择函授辅导、广播辅导、网上辅导以及传真-因特网辅导等方式。为了达到国际标准和基准,特布卡大学采用了亚洲开放大学协会建立的质量保证框架,来增进教育服务的质量。其质量保证系统包括九个部分:政策和计划,人力资源提供和开发,管理和行政,学习者,专业设计和开发,课程设计和开发,学生学习支持,学生评估以及学习媒体。为了保证远程教育的产品和服务质量,大学进一步制定了质量保证手册、应用系统及过程。展望未来,为了确保学生获得他们需要的优质服务,并保证本校提供的远程教育能符合国际质量标准,特布卡大学拟寻求诸如世界远程教育理事会这样机构的评估和资格 The University of Tebka is the only national university in Indonesia that is fully integrated with the teaching of distance education and aims to provide educational opportunities for Indonesians who can not access the top universities. The purpose of the University of Tekka is to increase enrollment in higher education and provide equal opportunities for quality citizens in higher education throughout the country. Its strategy to expand higher education includes cooperation and alliances with other agencies to establish a national cyber-education system that offers a diverse curriculum through this system. Through this strategy, it is demonstrated that Tekka University has the ability to serve students in every corner of the country. In terms of quality of education, the University of Tebka has adopted a method of integrating learning kits that includes the printing of textbooks and audiovisual / computer aided texts supplemented by rich audio and television programs as well as a supermarket-based learning support service that students Select correspondence counseling, radio counseling, online counseling and fax - Internet counseling and other means. In order to meet international standards and benchmarks, University of Tebka uses the quality assurance framework established by the Association of Open Universities of Asia to promote the quality of education services. Its quality assurance system consists of nine components: policies and programs, human resources provision and development, management and administration, learners, professional design and development, curriculum design and development, student learning support, student assessment and learning media. In order to ensure the quality of distance education products and services, the University further developed a quality assurance manuals, application systems and processes. Looking to the future, in order to ensure that students receive the quality services they need and to ensure that distance education offered by our school meets international quality standards, the University of Tekka seeks to assess and qualify institutions such as the World Council for Remote Education
一名真正的好老师,不单单需要渊博的知识,更要有一颗博爱之心,一双善于发现的眼睛。 A real good teacher, not only need profound knowledge, but also have a fraternity
学生由小学进入中学 ,数学能力的差异逐渐明显 ,特别由初中升入高中后 ,一些学生不得不进入非重点中学或职业中学就读 ,使他们在潜意识中认为自己是学习数学的失败者 .多次失