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吉安发现湘赣省革命战争公债券新版别李洪,苏春生最近,笔者在整理苏区纸币时,偶尔发现数张1934年1月版的湘赣省革命战争公债壹圆券(见图),该券长11.7,宽6.5厘米,毛边纸,正面为根据地风光图,呈黑色,背面为“中华苏维埃共和国湘赣省苏发行第二期革命公债条例”,并盖有“湘赣省苏维埃财政部”圆形章,图案、格式等均与1933年11月版湘赣省革命战争公债券相同,系出同一个版。查阅有关史料和书籍,都未载此券。湘赣革命根据地是第二次国内革命战争时期由中国共产党在井冈山革命根据地基础上创建和发展起来的一块红色区域,是中央革命根据地的重要战略侧翼。在它存在的两年多时间里,根据地军民紧紧围绕财政与金融工作,开展对敌斗争,成立了工农银行,发行了货币。为稳定币值,补充财源,又先后于1932年12月,1933年7月发行了两期革命战争公债,1933年11月又补发了一期革命战争公债,对缓解财政困难,发展苏区经济,改善群众生活,保障红军供给,打破国民党政府的封锁等方面都发挥了积极的作用。至于在1934年1月,又印发了1933年11月版的革命战争公债,其原因应是当时为着粉碎敌人的军事“围剿”和经济封锁,解决根据地的财政困难,1934年1 Ji’an Discovered a New Version of Public Bonds in the Revolutionary War in Hunan and Jiangxi Province Li Hong and Su Chunsheng I recently found a few coupons of the January 1934 Revolutionary Bonds in the Jiangxi Province of Jiangxi Province (see Figure) Ticket length 11.7, width 6.5 cm, edge paper, the front is the base map, black, the back of the “Soviet Union in the Soviet Union in the Chinese Soviet Republic of China issued the second phase of the revolutionary public debt regulations,” and covered with “the Soviet Union in Hunan Province Ministry of Finance ”circular chapter, pattern, format, etc. are the same with the November 1933 edition of Jiangxi Provincial Revolutionary War bonds, the same version. Check the relevant historical materials and books, did not contain vouchers. The Hunan-Jiangxi revolutionary base area was the red zone created and developed by the CPC on the basis of the Jinggangshan revolutionary base during the Second Revolutionary Civil War, and an important strategic flank of the Central Revolutionary Base. In its two-plus years of existence, the army and civilians in the areas under their belt closely focused on financial and financial work, launched hostility to the enemy, set up the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and issued the currency. In order to stabilize the currency value and replenish the financial resources, it successively issued two revolutionary war bonds in December 1932 and July 1933, and in November 1933, renewed a revolutionary war bond to ease the financial difficulties and develop the economy, Improve people’s lives, safeguard the supply of the Red Army, and break the blockade imposed by the Kuomintang government. As for January 1934, the November 1933 Revolutionary War bonds were again printed out. The reason for this was that at that time, in order to smash the enemy’s military “encirclement and suppression” campaign and economic blockade and solve the financial difficulties in the base areas, 1934
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从2007年开始,人类将有更多的机会从太空中更清晰地看到我们美丽壮观的地球。  2007年中国将发射第一颗月球探测卫星,美国、印度和日本也将于2008年有类似的月球探测活动。与此同时,月球卫星还将给我们带来另一个意外惊喜,它将发回更多以黑沉沉的茫茫太空为背景的地球全貌图。  地球这颗美丽的蓝色星球牵动着几十亿人的心弦。地球的健康,地球的命运,以及人类在宇宙中是否是“唯一”的等,都是我们所密切关注的
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