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别现代(Bie-modern)作为一个具有国际影响的学术术语,究竟别在那里?就别在语言上、现实中、理论上,是别中之别。别现代理论为什么而别?是为了区别和告别虚妄不实的现代性,是为了建构别样的现代性。别现代是差异性哲学,目的在于培养求异性思维和建立思想市场。别现代既是为别而别,又是不别而别,是无别而无不别。别现代如何去别?首先,提出别现代概念而与前现代、现代、后现代相别。其次,提出时间的空间化理论以有别于西方的空间理论。第三,提出社会发展四阶段理论,揭示别现代社会特有的结构和功能。第四,提出从后现代之后回望和反观今天的新视野。第五,提出跨越式停顿的思想从而与跨越式发展相区别。第六,提倡艺术流派和学派建设中的切割理论。第七,提出中西审美形态之别。第八,提出中西马我格局与中西马和西马格局相区别。第九,反对借助别而否定、遮蔽和改造人类共同价值观。总之,别现代理论就是别现代社会形态与别现代主义之别,是现实与价值倾向之别,是杂糅混同与单一纯粹之别。 Do not be there, as an academic term with international influence, the modern Bie-modern? Do not be language, reality, or theory. Why is it that modern theories should be distinguished from other modern theories in order to differentiate and say goodbye to illusory modernity in order to build a distinctive modernity. Do not modern is a difference philosophy, the purpose is to cultivate the thinking of the opposite sex and establish the ideological market. Doing the same for other countries while not doing other things is indispensable. Do not modern how to do? First of all, put forward the concept of modern and modern, post-modern distinction. Second, the theory of spatialization of time is different from the western theory of space. Thirdly, we propose a four-stage theory of social development to reveal the unique structure and function of modern society. Fourthly, we propose to look back and review today’s new vision from the post-modern era. Fifth, the idea of ​​leapfrogging is proposed to distinguish it from the leapfrog development. Sixth, to promote the cutting theory of art schools and school construction. Seventh, put forward the difference between Chinese and Western aesthetic forms. Eighth, we propose that the pattern of China, the West and the South differ from the pattern of China, the West and the West. Ninth, we oppose the refusal of others to conceal and reform the common values ​​of mankind. In a word, other modern theories do not distinguish between modern social forms and non-modernist ones. They are differences between reality and values, as well as hybrid confusion and single pureness.