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读者厉锋是北京一家贸易公司的IT经理,公司业务规模扩大,要重新构建新的信息系统和办公系统.在选择复印机过程中.不断地被推荐数码复合机.厉锋被数码复合机的复印之外的打印等功能打动.却又困惑于与打印系统之间的取舍.同时没有数码复合机的使用经验.怕影响日后的公司业务.一时难以决策为了帮助读者朋友更好地认识数码复合机.理解数码复合机的价值,了解数码复合机产品技术的最新进展和未来发展趋势,了解不同品牌产品间的差异,从而更好地认识、选择和应用数码复合机产品,我们组织了本专题。在专题组织过程中,我们带着类似于厉锋读者的种种疑问.先后采访了富士施乐、佳能、柯尼卡美能达、理光、东芝和惠普等厂商,也采访了多位数码复合机的用户,同时为了能够更真切地理解数码复合机.我们还专门组织了一个三人评测小组走进富士施乐、佳能、柯尼卡美能达、理光,东芝的展厅,在技术人员的指导下体验评测了多款产品,希望以下我们的采访、评测和体验中的心得和体会可以对读者认知数码复合机有所帮助 Reader Li Feng is an IT manager for a trading company in Beijing. As the company’s business expands, it is necessary to rebuild a new information system and office system. In the choice of copier process. Constantly recommended digital composite machine. Li Feng was complex digital printing machine printing and other functions impressed. But confused with the choice between the printing system. At the same time there is no experience in the use of digital composite machine. Afraid of affecting the future of the company’s business. Temporarily difficult decision-making in order to help readers better understand the digital composite machine friends. Understand the value of digital copiers, digital copiers to understand the latest developments in product technology and future trends, to understand the differences between different brand products, so as to better understand, select and apply digital copiers products, we organized the topic. In the course of thematic organization, we have all kinds of questions similar to Li Feng readers. Has interviewed the Fuji Xerox, Canon, Konica Minolta, Ricoh, Toshiba and Hewlett-Packard and other manufacturers, but also interviewed a number of users of digital copiers, at the same time in order to be able to more truly understand the digital copiers. We also specially organized a three-person evaluation team into the Fuji Xerox, Canon, Konica Minolta, Ricoh, Toshiba showroom, under the guidance of technical staff to evaluate a variety of evaluation products, I hope the following of our interview, evaluation and Experience in the experience and understanding of the reader can know the digital composite machine to help
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