Meta-analysis of transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat post-stroke dysfunction

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:userlyc
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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on post-stroke dysfunction. DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of the VIP and PubMed databases was performed to identify TMS studies published between January 1989 and December 2010 using the key words “transcranial magnetic stimulation, stroke” in Chinese and English. A total of 61 articles were collected. STUDY SELECTION: Repetitive articles were excluded. Articles published recently in the authoritative journals of the same domain were selected. The full-text of selected articles was searched. A total of seven articles were randomized controlled experiments regarding the application of TMS in the treatment of post-stroke dysfunction. The methodology quality of included articles was evaluated according to standards of Cochrane Reviewer’s Handbook system and analyzed using RevMand4.2 software. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Therapeutic effects and difference evaluation indices were represented by odds ratios, weighted mean difference (WMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Potential publication bias was described using a funnel plot. RESULTS: A total of seven randomized, controlled studies were included involving 281 patients. Following TMS treatment, meta-analysis results revealed that scores in the Mini-Mental State Examination were higher in the TMS group compared with the control group [WMD = 3.96, 95% CI (2.44, 5.49), P = 0.08]; scores in the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression were significantly lower in the TMS group compared with the control group [WMD = -6.21, 95% CI (-7.55, -4.87), P = 0.92]; scores in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale were lower following TMS treatment compared with the control group [WMD = -0.89, 95% CI (-1.98, 0.19), P = 0.04]. Performance of patients undergoing TMS treatment was better than the controls in the line bisection test [WMD = -0.78, 95% CI (-1.43, -0.12), P = 0.005] and line cancellation test [WMD = -0.47, 95% CI (-0.78, -0.15), P < 0.000 01]. Sensitivity analysis produced identical results after eliminating articles with unknown diagnostic standards or statistical methods. CONCLUSION: TMS effectively improved post-stroke dysfunction, manifested by improved cognitive function and memory performance compared with controls. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on post-stroke dysfunction. DATA SOURCES: A computer-based online search of the VIP and PubMed databases was performed to identify TMS studies published between January 1989 and December 2010 using the key Words “transcranial magnetic stimulation, stroke ” in Chinese and English. A total of 61 articles were collected. STUDY SELECTION: Repetitive articles were excluded. Articles published recently in the authoritative journals of the same domain were selected. The full-text of selected articles was searched. A total of seven articles were randomized controlled experiments regarding the application of TMS in the treatment of post-stroke dysfunction. The methodology quality of included articles was evaluated according to the standards of Cochrane Reviewer’s Handbook system and analyzed using RevMand 4.2 software. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Therapeutic effects and difference evaluation indices were represented by odds RESULTS: A total of seven randomized, controlled studies were included 281 patients. Following TMS treatment, meta-analysis (WMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) results revealed that scores in the Mini-Mental State Examination were higher in the TMS group compared with the control group [WMD = 3.96, 95% CI (2.44, 5.49), P = 0.08]; scores in the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression were significantly lower in the TMS group compared with the control group [WMD = -6.21, 95% CI (-7.55, -4.87), P = 0.92]; scores in National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale were lower following TMS treatment compared with the control Performance of patients undergoing TMS treatment was better than the controls in the line bisection test [WMD = -0.89, 95% CI (-1.98, 0.19), P = 0.04] , -0.12), P = 0.005] and line cancellation test [WMD = -0.47, 95% CI (-0.78, -0.15), P <0.000 01]. Sensitivity analysis produced identical results after eliminating articles with unknown diagnostic standards or statistical methods. CONCLUSION: TMS effectively improved post-stroke dysfunction, manifested by improved cognitive function and memory performance compared with controls.
教师在专业发展的道路上会存在不同程度的差距,导致差距的根本原因在于教师对专业学习、创新实践以及教学反思的重视程度不同。教学反思直接影响教师专业发展的速度、宽度和广度。  重视教学反思,是教师深入开展行动研究的需要,是不断推进课改实验的需要,更是教师提高自身专业素养的需要。因此,教师一定要从自身做起,从现在做起,充分认识教学反思的重要意义,增强教学反思的自觉性,不断提高教学反思的质量。  一、如何进
撒谎是儿童常见的一种行为,它是在不良环境下,使孩子产生异常心理所造成的,应该引起父母的重视,及时给予帮助教育。在给予孩子教育帮助前,父母必须了解孩子为什么要说谎。 1
《爱如茉莉》是一篇散文,作者借助文字,让父母之间的生活如画卷般展示在读者眼前。如果粗粗读,会发现语言很平淡,像拉家常一样,但是细细品析,会发现其中隐藏着浓浓的真情,与茉莉花香一样,淡淡的,而这靠的则是文本中的细节描写。可以这样说,细节描写向读者诠释了人与人之间的真情、亲情。本文笔者结合实际,在尊重学生主体地位的基础上,重点就文本细节描写进行解读。  细节一:语言,谈话中流露真情  言为心声。研读文