提到北欧的音乐,多数人会联想到暴虐的金属或是纯净的电音,这两种冰火两重天的音乐仿佛是控制着北欧的大部分音乐市场。但是熟悉这个冰冻之地音乐的人都知道斯堪的纳维亚半岛同时不乏很多不错的独立乐队和音乐人。Ida Maria,原名Ida Maria Sivertsen,来自北欧的最北部——挪威。现在却火在了英国,Myspace上也拥有了一大票的粉丝。今年年初刚结束了在英国的巡演,6月份刚刚参加完Glastonbury音乐节。7月份在T in the park亮相,然后8月份又要马不停蹄地回到挪威开始在路上的巡演。
When it comes to Nordic music, most people think of tyranny of metal or pure electric sound, and the two fiery days of music seem to dominate most of the Nordic music market. But anyone familiar with the frozen music knows that there are plenty of good independent bands and musicians in Scandinavia. Ida Maria, formerly Ida Maria Sivertsen, comes from Norway, the northernmost part of northern Europe. Now it’s fire in the UK, Myspace also has a big fan. Earlier this year it ended its tour of Britain and just completed the Glastonbury Festival in June. T in the park debut in July, and then in August and non-stop to return to Norway to start the tour on the road.