
来源 :国外油田工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lishashasky
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工程前沿研究中心(C-FER)进行的一项可行性研究和随后设计的样机装置,旨在提高经济效益和提高普通油藏及量质油藏的采收率,该项研究促进了油。水分离系统的发展。这个系统的基本理论及促进其发展的动力是基于这样一些想法和技术,即以降低处理产出液的成本和从开发中、后期的高水油出油藏中回注水为目标。这个系统目前尚处于样机设计阶段,有待于现场约检验。井下油、水分离系统大大地减少了以往必须举升到地面上水的体积,所以在能源和设备成本节约方面有着非常大的优势、在大多数情况下,降低成本就意味着提高收益,例如,它可以恢复或提高受目前举升系统或地面装置的限制而被迫关闭或限产的油井的产量,这种分离系统还有着其它潜在的优势,包括减少大量水排放所造成的环境污染或净水层的污染。应从这套井下油、水分离子统最主要的要求就是在生产井周围要有一个适合的水处理区域。 A feasibility study conducted by the Engineering Frontier Research Center (C-FER) and subsequent design of a prototype unit aimed at increasing economic efficiency and increasing oil recovery in normal and quantitative reservoirs contributed to the oil. Development of water separation system. The basic theory of the system and the driving forces behind its development are based on the ideas and techniques that aim to reduce the cost of processing output fluids and to inject water back into reservoirs with high water and oil outgrowth during development. This system is still in the prototype design stage, to be on-site inspection. Downhole oil and water separation systems greatly reduce the volume of water that must be lifted to the surface in the past and therefore have a significant advantage in terms of energy and equipment cost savings and in most cases reducing costs means increasing profits such as , Which can restore or increase the production of oil wells that have been closed or limited due to the constraints of current lifting systems or surface installations. Other potential advantages of such separation systems include the reduction of environmental pollution caused by the discharge of large amounts of water or Water purification layer of pollution. The most important requirement from this downhole oil and water ion system is to have a suitable water treatment area around the production well.
知识创新工程就是要将科学院办成国家的知识库、思想库、人才库。为了迎接知识创新工程,我院应将期刊工作纳入知识创新工程,必须对期刊工作做出相应的调整和改革。 Knowledg
本文介绍了化学成分对钢板性能影响的一般规律 ,工艺控制对性能影响的关系 ,论述了优化化学成分控制性能的各种方法和途径 ,重点阐明了用回归分析方法通过控制碳当量控制性能
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To detect possible changes in main blood vessels within leiomyomas after uterine artery ligation using color Doppler sonography. Method: Blood flow in main leio
从家具的角度来说,设计必须看起来清新悦目,具备特色,仅仅追求新和原创还不够,它必须经得起时间的考验.——Samuel Chan当下,原创产品设计更关注材质的环保及可持续性.纵观本
幻想中的东西最美丽,这也是为什么汽车大展中除了环肥燕瘦的美女车模们,最聚人气的就是那些未来的、概念的、超豪的甚至奇形怪状的奇车们。《汽车消费报告》除了像辛勤的小蜜蜂一样背着长枪短炮在上海国际会展中心一个个展馆中捕捉最吸引眼球的车型,当然也没忘记听听那些网络死忠的意见,接下来,和我们一起让视觉疯狂一把吧。    1 雪铁龙概念车  所在展馆:E4    这款概念车表达了雪铁龙一向对于运动的追求,打破