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我叫孙雅诗,家住山东青岛市。1994年大学毕业后在当地一家公司做秘书,虽然工作和收入都不错,但我却更想“看看外面的世界”,于是在表姐的帮助下,我办妥了旅英的所有手续,踏上了前往英国的征途。原以为经济发达的伦敦黄金遍地,去了就能享受美好的生活,没想到自己竟会遇到那么多从来没想过的事情。在麦当劳打工我刚到伦敦的时候,被一对同乡夫妇的生活震惊了,他们在青岛时都是“腕”级的人物,不想几年不见竟全变样了。夫妻俩栖身在政府救济贫民的公房里,在此安身的住户皆是低收入者,或干脆依靠救济金生活的底层贫民。先生是位博士,享有 My name is Sun Ya Shi, I live in Qingdao, Shandong. After graduating from college in 1994, I worked as a secretary at a local company. Although my work and income were good, I even wanted to “look at the outside world.” With the help of my cousin, I completed all the procedures for traveling to the UK. On the journey to the United Kingdom. Originally thought that economically developed London gold everywhere, go to enjoy a better life, did not expect that I actually met so many things never thought of. Working at McDonald’s When I first arrived in London, I was shocked by the life of a fellow couple who were all “wrist” -like people in Qingdao and did not want to become completely deformed in a few years. The couple are housed in public housing where the government is relieving the poor and all the settlers here are low-income people or simply poor people living on relief funds. Mr. is a doctor, enjoy
今年是九三先贤楼之岑院士诞辰100周年.楼之岑1953年加入九三学社,积极参加社的活动,1992年被评为九三学社北京市先进个人, 1994年当选为中国工程院院士.作为弟子,笔者回想恩
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生活中,我们不时会看到一个现象,几年不见面的老人忽又重逢时,却发现这熟悉的长辈不单老了许多,而且背也驼了,个子也矮了一截。对于这个 From time to time, we see a pheno