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我国自2000年1月1日颁布实施《中华人民共和国招投标法》以来,实践证明,实行招投标制,对于推动投资、融资体制改革、创造公平竞争的市场环境、保证工程质量、提高经济效益、促进改革开放和社会发展起到了重要作用。如何评选最优投标价格,具有更重要的现实意义。一、最优投标价格的概念对业主而言,一般认为通过招标活动得到的最优投标价格就是最价投标价格;而中国建筑工程目前通过政府招标中心得到的最优价格是以定额作标准下浮一定额度得出的价格,实际上这两种价格都不是最优价格。因为按照业主的观点择优,投标价格如果低于承包商的成本势必容易形成以下几种可能:1、承包商赔本建造或减低成本方法不当,这样可能形成豆腐 Since China promulgated the “Bidding Law of the People’s Republic of China” on January 1, 2000, it has been proved that the implementation of the bidding system is of great importance to promoting the reform of investment and financing systems, creating a fair and competitive market environment, ensuring the quality of projects and increasing economic benefits , Promote reform and opening up and social development has played an important role. How to choose the best bidding price has more important practical significance. First, the concept of optimal bidding price For owners, it is generally considered that the best bidding price obtained through bidding activities is the bidding price of the highest price. However, the optimal price currently obtained by China Construction Engineering through the government bidding center is based on the quota as standard A certain quota of the price, in fact, these two prices are not the best price. Because according to the preference of the owners, if the tender price is lower than the cost of the contractor is bound to easily form the following possibilities: 1, the contractor compensation for the construction or reduce the cost of improper method, which may form a tofu
病例介绍一位28岁女新闻记者因六周来一直有厌食、嗜睡、关节痛和体重减轻一(英国用来表示体重的单位,等于14磅一一译者)余而感到身体欠佳,去找她的全科医师(GP,general Prae
8~18%的肝硬变腹水患者在其疾病自然过程中至少发生一次自发性细菌性腹膜炎(SBP)。SBP 的病死率很高,早期诊断并迅速给予抗生素治疗可获较好转归。已经证明肝硬变腹水时杀菌
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1 资料和方法1.1 病例选择均系诊断明确的住院患者。肺结核35例,支气管扩张4例。每日咯血量在300~400ml 者3例,400~500ml者28例,>500ml 者8例。随机将病人分为垂体后叶素组22
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