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随着计算机技术和通信技术的发展,计算机网络应运而生。计算机网络给人们的生活带来了翻天覆地的变化。教育面临着网络带来的新的教学方式的全方面革新,最初的只满足课堂实时教学的班级授课制教学模式已经不再是教育的主流模式。教育正由封闭走向开放,无论是从时间上还是空间,人们都看到了全新的教育教学方式的转变,开放教育、全民教育、终身教育已经成为现代教育的主流。最近兴起的交互式电子白板给大家提供了一个信息共享的平台,大家可以通过网络系统的支持借助于电子白板实现实时交互和在线讨论,并且电子白板所具有的视频和音术也有利于大家的同步交流。交互式电子白板本身就是一个完整的系统,也是一个学习的平台,并且它所支持的各式以及各种操作软件特别多。电子白板就像是一张白纸允许操作者输入、更改、擦除相关内容……让学生之间的互动变得更加简单,课堂更加生动,气氛更加活跃,学生都在动、在想、在探索……真正实现以学生为主体的课堂。 With the development of computer technology and communication technology, computer networks came into being. Computer networks have brought earth-shaking changes to people’s lives. Education is faced with all aspects of the new teaching methods brought about by the Internet. The first class teaching model that only meets classroom real-time teaching is no longer the mainstream model of education. Education is changing from closed to open. Whether in terms of time or space, people have seen a new shift in education and teaching methods. Open education, education for all, and lifelong education have become the mainstream of modern education. The recently-emerged interactive whiteboard provides a platform for information sharing. Everyone can achieve real-time interaction and online discussion through the electronic whiteboard with support of the electronic whiteboard, and the video and sound technology of the electronic whiteboard is also beneficial to everyone’s synchronization. communicate with. The interactive whiteboard itself is a complete system and a learning platform, and it supports a wide range of various types of operating software. The electronic whiteboard is like a blank sheet of paper that allows the operator to input, change, erase the relevant content... Make the interaction between students easier, the classroom more vivid, the atmosphere more active, the students are moving, thinking, in Exploring... Realize student-centered classrooms.
我院于1990年3月行经皮球囊扩张术治疗先天性瓣膜型动脉狭窄2例,取得了满意效果,现介绍如下。一、资料与方法 2例均为6岁男性患儿,经体检、胸片、心脏超声、心音图、心电图
《聂成文书画集》于2003年8月由辽宁美术出版社正式出版发行了。书画集选入聂成文先生的书法近作37件和绘画作品40件,这是先生继2000 年《聂成文书法集》之后又一部力作问世
摘 要: 随着信息时代的到来,市场对人才的引进与培养也提出了新的标准和要求。在全国大学英语改革的大环境下,大学英语的教学模式也进行了相应的变更和完善。案例教学法无疑是在这场空前的教育革命中不可或缺的强大武器。本文对案例教学法在英语课堂中优势的剖析、推行的可行性及相应的实施办法和注意事项进行了较为系统的阐述。  关键词: 案例教学法 大学英语课堂 实际作用    1.引言  近些年,“以学习者为中心
The application of non-evaporable getters is increasing, they have been widely used in sealed-off vacuum or controlled atmosphere devices. A new type of Ti-base