苏州园区 通关新减法

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不仅有区内的纵深,也有横向的联动,既有信息化技术的渗透,也有流程的简化与再造,可谓特殊区域通关改革的范本。已经是总经理的胡晓燕早已不用再亲自跑报关大厅了,但她说起过去这么多年来的报关、通关流程与其间的变化如数家珍。对于苏州工业园区海关最新实施的通关业务改革,也一样了如指掌。这不只是因为她所管理的公司经常是通关模式改革的试点,更重要的是,她的公司必须熟知这些,才能更好地服务进出口企业、加工贸 Not only has the depth of the region, but also horizontal linkage, both the infiltration of information technology, but also the process of simplification and reengineering, can be described as a model of special regional customs clearance. Hu Xiaoyan, already the general manager, no longer has to run the declaration hall himself, but she speaks of the customs clearance and customs clearance changes over the years. For the Suzhou Industrial Park Customs newly implemented customs clearance business reform, are equally well known. This is not just because the companies she manages are often the pilots for the reform of the customs clearance system. More importantly, her company must be familiar with these in order to better serve the import and export enterprises, processing trade
为寻求适于本地推广应用的生化制剂最佳品种,我们进行了不同生化制剂在棉花、油菜、蚕豆、春玉米上的应用效果试验,为大面积推广提供依据。 1 材料与方法 试验于1996~1997年