Frequency and Absolute Number of FoxP3~+ Regulatory T Cells Correlate with Disease Progression of Ch

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CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T cells (Treg) have been found to down-regulate immune activation in HIV-1 infection. However,whether the depletion of Treg benefits to the disease status of HIV infection remains undefined. To address this issue,we enumerated the Treg absolute counts and frequency in 75 antiviral-nave HIV-1-infected individuals in this study. It was found that HIV-infected patients displayed a significant decline in Treg absolute counts but a significant increase in Treg frequency. In addition,with disease progression indicated by CD4 T-cell absolute counts,circulating Treg frequency gradually increased; while Treg absolute counts were gradually decreased,suggesting that the alteration of Treg number closely correlated with disease progression in HIV infection. Functional analysis further showed that Treg efficiently inhibit both CD4 and CD8 T cell proliferation in vitro. Thus,our findings indicates that Treg actively participate in pathogenesis of chronic HIV infection,influencing the disease progression. However, whether the depletion of Treg benefits to the disease status of HIV infection remains undefined. To address this issue, we enumerated the Treg absolute counts and frequency in 75 antiviral-nave HIV-1-infected individuals in this study. It was found that HIV-infected patients showed a significant decline in Treg absolute counts but a significant increase in Treg frequency. disease progression indicated by CD4 T-cell absolute counts, circulating Treg absolute counts were gradually decreased, suggesting that the alteration of Treg number closely correlated with disease progression in HIV infection. Functional analysis further showed that Treg efficiently inhibit both Thus, our findings indicate that Tregocene participate in pathogenesis of chronic HIV infection, influen cing the disease progression.
家长提问:  每一个家长都希望自己的孩子是一个知礼节、懂礼仪的人,那么,家长怎样来对孩子进行礼仪教育呢?  专家支招:  其实在日常生活中,无论是去探亲访友,还是在家中款待亲朋好友,这都是让孩子学习礼仪、提高交往能力的好机会。  在日常的生活中,让孩子学会待客之礼。在等待客人拜访前,对孩子进行礼仪教育是很有必要的。家长告诉孩子见客人应有的礼节,如在客人面前应面带微笑,起身主动问好;对客人的提问认真
果真不出我所料,没过多久,H就开始暴露她的内心隐私。在随后的几次咨询中,H一点一点地讲述了她的秘密,其中心是购物活动和她对购物活动的感受。 购物开始完全是偶然的。S告
数年前,我的孩子有幸被美国顶尖的寄宿制高中Phillips Academy Andover(安多福)录取。安多福创建于1778年,被公认为美国最好的高中之一,著名校友包括布什总统父子。学校每年300位左右的毕业生中,会有50多位分别进入哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿、哥大和斯坦福大学就读,是令人艳羡的常青藤大学“预备校”。  别人常常问我,孩子用什么打动了安多福的招生官。其实我的孩子当初并没有什么拿得出手的
32%的中学生有心理问题 著名心理学家王极盛先生,向外界宣布了他对全国中学生的调查,结果显示,有32%的中学生有心理问题。此项调查一公布,立即引起教育界,心理界、新闻界的强
现实态度。一个心理健全的人能够面对现实,不管现实对他来说是否愉快。 独立性。一个人格健全的人办事凭理智,他稳重,并且适当听从合理建议。在需要时,他能够作出决定并且乐