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预算外资金是指国家机关、事业单位、社会团体具有行政管理职能的企业主管部门和政府委托的其他机构为履行或代行政府职能,依据法律、法规或具有法律效力的规章而收取、提取、募集和安排使用的未纳入财政预算管理的各种财政性资金。预算外资金不是部门和单位的自有资金,其所 Extra-budgetary funds refer to the competent department of the enterprise with the administrative functions of state organs, public institutions and social organizations and other agencies entrusted by the government to collect, withdraw and raise funds according to laws, regulations or laws and regulations in order to perform or act on behalf of the government. And arranged for the use of various financial funds not included in the budget management. Extra-budgetary funds are not the self-owned funds of departments and units
A polysaccharide, CrvpPS, was isolated from Caulerpa racemosa var peltata. It was reacted with nano-selenium in distilled water containing ascorbic acid (Vit C)
BACKGROUND: It has been shown that interleukin-1β (IL-1β) can induce fever by activating vascular endothelial cells and macrophages of the supraoptic crest to
§18 声音的概念及分类物体振动后,激起周围媒质(如空气)的波动,在听觉器官上起作用,通过听觉神经传达给大脑而产生了声音的感觉。物体振动的形式是多种多样的,有的沒有规则
12月2日,全省地税系统精神文明建设座谈会在郑州召开.图为会议会场.省委常委、常务副省长李成玉参加座谈会并作重要讲话. December 2, the province’s land tax system spi
In recent years,China has made positive progress in HIV/AIDS prevention and control.The commitment of the central government and participation of various depart
随着我国药品不良反应(Adverse Drug Reaction,ADR)监测体系的不断完善,关于ADR事件的报道日益增多。国家ADR监测中心数据库中有关中药ADR报告数量的 With the continuous i